Sunday, September 28

Not Being Held

I don't understand why I'm not enough.
I don't understand why I don't last.
I don't understand why none of you will touch me,
if it's true how you say that all of you love me...

Why is it so much easier for you to glance over at her? To look at her? Because it would hurt you to hold me wouldn't it? It would be so inconvenient. But her you know for what she shows. She makes herself a target and so it makes it easy for you to aim.

You don't have romance anymore. You don't know what it means. You see all your solutions in shallow meetings that don't mean anything. I'm right here. I'm under your eyes. I have things to say and feelings to feel that are deep. I care for what matters. I care for what is touching. I don't close my eyes to everything that is inconvenient or painful and spend my time trying to forget what it was that I was trying to repress...

But I'm invisible.

And the only hugs I ever get are fleeting ones. Friendly. Most barely so. Some only figments of friendly, trying to deny that there are even friendly feelings, even as much so. You make yourself a distance to me, somehow afraid of ... yeah... I don't know what you're afraid of.

But I'm scared.

And I long to be held. Even for a moment.
I want the cocoon without having to be inside it on my own.

*snaps hairband*

Says your
POET in the marmalade JAR


  1. hey beccali, I'm fairy from the Potf-forum. your latest creation left me speechless and it made me cry. it's so powerful, so amazing... you captured exactly how I felt after my first relationship ended...and how lonely and afraid I feel again lately *hugs*

  2. *hugs all the guys back too*

    and a special hi to you fairy! wow it made you cry? *hides* that makes me sad to hear :/ thank you SO MUCH for those words though, they brightened my day *blushes* and don't feel too afraid and lonely... you can always write kick ass poems out of it. ;) Just kidding. But hang in there fairy! Flap your wings and I'll fly with you! <3

  3. you don't have to thank me for the truth :) your art is always amazing. I've been visiting your blog for a while now and it's full of literary jewels ^^ and thank you for your words, you have to hang in there as well, it will all get better in the end :)

  4. Literary jewels, awwwww <3 now you almost got me in tears =) thank you so much! it's always just as weird when you realize that people actually come here to read things, and it's always as warming to my heart to see someone 'new'. Aww I'll do my best to hang in there, to be honest I have many things to be happy about, I just blind myself sometimes, and am blind to being grateful. =)


For Dust And Memories