Saturday, September 12


Had a crappy day, everything feels like total... bonkers. It started out okay, I guess... worked the morning shift and got there early, had a nice flow until I opened up the store, then it was just busy, busy all day long until 2 PM. God, can't I ever spend some time doing nothing? I just spend my days flipping myself around between tons of errands without really managing... anything. What does it matter, really? Who cares if I don't do my grocery shopping or if I don't fold my clothes neatly enough, who effin' cares?

It's just everything crashing down on me, feels like it's catching up. Money issues, work issues, everything-issues. It's the same old lines, over and over again. "It'll get better next year/next month/next week", "It'll work out, it always works out", "Don't worry"... but I can't just let go of things. I don't know. I was supposed to use this year to flip out and just... float around and create stuff and just enjoy stuff. But what am I doing?

I don't have a fucking clue, I'm so fucking lost, and whatever, just, fuck this whole business, hate it all.
POET in the JAR


  1. Oh, hon... *hugs*

    You just moved out to a new apartment, it's normal that it's gonna be hard in the beginning, it'll get easier, stay strong. <3

  2. we can´t run away from our troubles and issues. they will always run after us... noticed that much.
    try to put in paper. what are those issues actually? maybe you will find the answers as well.
    but what am I really? teenager trying to sound wise ^^

  3. I'm sure I'll ride this monster out, as I always do. ^^ It's just that I'm so tired of waiting for things to "get better" and "solve themselves".

    I wish sometimes I'd have some luck, that's all. Some everyday luck.


For Dust And Memories