Wednesday, January 2


Give me fireworks
and I won't enjoy them

Give me the stars
and I won't stay in their light

Give me everything
that shimmers in the sky

and I won't be as naive as to
swallow their shine

C'mon, give me fireworks
They'll do wonders to my soul

Just maybe they will work
just enough to make me whole

Give me your fireworks
I won't enjoy them

Give me your stars
I won't stay in their light

Always as fleeting
as a firefly

Always fleeting
Don't know why


  1. A pretty cool poem you've got here =D Great job! ;)

  2. Thank you sweetie =) I wrote it on New Year's Eve. Felt a bit down... How was your New Years?

  3. I had a great new years! Too bad you were feeling down...

    The poem is incredible, it tells that gifts and trinkits aren't what truly matter its feelings that truly Shine

  4. Aww, sorry to hear that hon! How are you feeling now, I hope a lot better? :)
    Mine was dull and boring; it was spent indoors and studying for finals, urghh.

  5. Really? Surely not when the clock struck twelve? Even I was outdoors then, watching the fireworks... you do that kind of stuff too? Hope your finals are gonna go smoothly by, I have all the faith in you in the world, sweetheart. =)

    Glad yours was good, raves :P And I'm surprised about how you interpret this poem, it's not what I thought when I wrote it but nevertheless interesting :D

    I'm a bit better now, yeah, guess the alcohol has a depressing effect on me. Gotta stop drinking xD


For Dust And Memories