Saturday, January 5

That's How It Works

Don't you just love it when there're no right answers?
When you can just, like, think about stuff and consider all possible solutions or ways of looking at something, knowing there is no answer more correct than any other?
I mean, honestly, what do we really know about everything? We always act as if we were the wisest people, knowing everything about everything. There're shows on Discovery called stuff like "That's how it works" and there's a gigantic, economically thriving industry in making entertainment out of the correct. Like quiz shows. Jeopardy! and the like. What's with all that? Why do we imagine that we're so clever?
Just look at all kind of destruction mankind is responsible for.
I'm gonna switch TV channels now.


  1. very good mindset, I agree 100%

  2. yeah, animals do no harm to our environment, they simply live to survive but us humans are always doing damage for what we believe to be what we need.


For Dust And Memories