Wednesday, February 27

Good Stories Tell Themselves

There you have it. More proof that the best stories are not made up, but tells themselves to the writer, who scribbles it down. Thinking of my novel last night, in a slightly panicky way seeing I hadn't written anything all day, suddenly I knew the answers. Knew how to fill those two little plot holes that had so irritatingly occurred, blocking all my further writing.
Amazing, aint it? How sometimes when you just think about things late at night, it's like the solution just pops right out to you, and it feels right, like it's the answer that's been there all along, just without you realizing.
I wanna throw myself over writing... And I think, after this post and a bit of something to eat, I will.
Luckily for me, the auction I'm trying to win on the net (I'm bidding for a train ticket to Stockholm) hasn't quite worked with me, and I've had to start bidding on a later departure. Good, cause I aint packed nothing at all yet, and besides, it might mean I'll get some time to write.
Dad's gonna be here in forty minutes, I suppose what I really should be doing is dressing and fixing myself up. But I just had to slip by.
Glad to say I'm waltzing off to novel-land. See you on the other side.


  1. I have to agree with the simple fact that writers such as ourselves dont truly create the stories they are told to us and we relay them to anyone who'll listen, our words are our only true addition to what we are told by our subconscious. Its a wonderful feeling when everything ties together and you know exactly what to write, truly wonderful.

  2. That's what I can talent and both of you have a lot of it. :) :)

  3. Yeah, there's nothing like that feeling... I've been chasing it for months and now, finally, I just know how it's all gonna be tied together. Truly wonderful feeling! And thanks honey! <3


For Dust And Memories