Saturday, June 27

Mood Swing (Even Within This Very Post)

Something's gotta be wrong with me today. Everything right now seems just GREAT! In two days, we'll be rid of the apartment. I'm waiting for a reply from the publisher to see my book in print one day, maybe within the year. I'm back into writing, and I picture the ending of the third novel within not too far a time ahead. I've applied for a school that seems interesting, and that I think would entertain me in the long run. I'm living back home, I have good friends, the sun is shining and yesterday I bathed in the ocean, for the first time of the year!
Yeah, alright. Not everything is this shiny and sunny. I have a neverending wound on my finger that will leave a 2 cm ugly scar (because I'm sadistic and can't let it heal in peace). I still have strange mood swings. I'm in between of everything, I don't have a full time job, I just work hour for hour, day by day, as it comes. I can never plan anything, if I do I barely get time off from work, I have to say "I MUST be free these dates" or I have to stay behind, even though I don't even work that much! It's so weird. At least now I aint got rent to pay, so that's good.
I feel like buying a bike and a canoe and just leave this very moment. I'll fill the backpack with a radio that can air Bandit Rock Channel and a whole case full of Coke, and just go.
See you there?
Wherever there might be,


  1. it´s not a BIG problme you have, if everything feels great :) enjoy it! :)see you there, if you come ;)

  2. Mood swings have held on to me for the longest time too. Something that catches my attention and gives me hope, might as well bring me down the very moment. So, I know just as well how you feel :)


  3. Thanks guys. Wow it's the same for you, DP?


For Dust And Memories