Tuesday, June 8

Puppet, Doll

My sleep is calm,
And undisturbed
I don't look back
At your attacks
When I was hurt

This my cocoon, now
This the safest place, of all
Curtains closing, puppet
Curtains closing, doll
Come sleep here

That innocence I lost
So many times
Stabbing my heart
Raping my mind
I look away, puppet

I look away, doll

And I sleep

Calm and undisturbed


  1. it´s almost like you´re writing about death? oh... but maybe you indeed are.

  2. For once I actually meant exactly what I wrote. xD But your angle is very interesting. This is what I love about poetry. Everyone sees it differently.

  3. it´s probably the first time in MY LIFE that I have "angle" to poem instead of taking it literally xD

  4. Hahahhaa so then we both have a first on this one xD


For Dust And Memories