Saturday, April 14

Phonetics Exam

Right. Another exam yesterday. I have no idea how it went. Well, I mean statistically it should be possible to pass considering the number of questions I answered, but then I haven't taken in account how many of them I took a guess at. What do you do when you get the question, 'which English consonant is described as a labiodental plosive,' but guess? I studied more for this test than I did for the grammar test, and still it feels as if went twice as bad. Yeah well, we'll know in a couple of weeks, no need to worry now. Just hoping I don't have to do the retake, it's been scheduled to the same day I've got my driver's license test. Aaaaah, I don't think I could say which is more important. Fail the phonetics course and have too few points to keep studying next term, or reschedule the driver's license test and not have it when I start working this summer. Have a pick.
Anyway, I'm having practical studies for the next two weeks, meaning nothing to study at all, so I'm happy. Finally weekends that are actually free, and when you go home, you can do whatever you like. Yeah I really miss working in that way. On the other hand it isn't half as stimulating for your brain. Gotta keep those cells working. I'm not doing this to have fun now, I'm making sure that once I get out there to work, I'll have all those benefits of working, plus the fact that I'll enjoy the actual work, that it'll stimulate me. This is my future I'm investing in. Doesn't sound that crazy after all, now does it?
Well, better rush. I gotta convince my boyfriend to take his eyes off the TV and go outside to do something fun in the sun, ha ha.
Greetings, from a long time gone,
Poet in the Jar

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