Sunday, November 23

Shards Of Heart

Yet I dream
Allow me to dream
Of you

That's where we can be what we are
What the world will never let us be
We'll be stars
We'll be shards of heart

Compare me
To what you knew
But I run deeper
Than her
And deeper
Than you

That's where we can be what we are
What the world will never let us be
We'll be stars
We'll be shards of heart

But I'll never tell you
Just to spare you from the pain
I'll never let you know
That I held on to you

While the rest let go

That's when we can be what I imagine we are
What the world will never let us be
We'll be stars that I conjure
We'll be shards of heart

Gustav brought his guitar over tonight and started finding some new song, and asked me as a joke mostly to write the lyrics to it. Well, I gave it some thought, and here's the result. Only remains to see if we can fit it in nicely with the song (don't remember exactly how it went).
I simply can't wait until I get my hands on the new guitar when I get my next salary. Hence will I begin heading down the road of actually learning how to play myself...


  1. LOVE the lyrics! :D I want the tune, too! :PPP

  2. Eventually, my dear Watson ;)
    (Wait... was that how it went?) :D

  3. Ooh, so many great new pieces!!
    Especially this one is like WOW!

    I envy your skills, Bec. Could you lend them for me? :)

    Oh, and thanks for your comment :)

  4. Watson?

    *seriously has no idea where that is from*


  5. Good lyrics. Very profound. I am not too sure what scale and what melody/pick is suiatble for this song... It is tricky to write GOOD lyrics but it is even harder to compose fitting music to it..

    Well, tell me if you buy one. I bought my forth guitar here in Notts...Then we can play together!! YEY!!

    Who s Gustav by the way?? (I am the most stupid bastard since the beginning of time, I know!!)

  6. Course we can play together, and we WILL! I will learn how to play Roses and how to sing along, he he ;) Ahaha you should really know who Gustav is. One of my best guy buddies! Check out at facebook he should be at half the pics I'm in! :)

    Al, Watson was Sherlock Holmes's assistant. And every time he said something Sherlock would reply "Elementary, my dear Watson". I thought it was a fun word play (do not mock me for my linguist sense of humor ^^ :D ). <3

    Cab thanksies... yes of course. My skills are for rent every odd Thursday between 8 and 8.15 PM :D


For Dust And Memories