Sunday, August 9

Falling Through The Ice

Falling through the ice
Swept off by the streams
Seeing through your fading eyes
Fighting the urge to dream

Wake me up,
try to pull me out
Of the water surrounding me
And closing in on me
Say the name of your sacrifice
And die with me

Drowning, hard to resist it now
Lost in remembrance
Lying, yours weren't hard to find
Wishing I could take back mine

Wake me up, try to pull me out
Of the water surrounding me
And closing in on me
Say the name of your sacrifice
And drown with me

Empty, I left all behind me
Nothing staying to guide me
Lonely, drifting to be free
Sinking, you're sinking with me

Wake me up, try to pull me out
Of the water surrounding me
And closing in on me
Say the name of your sacrifice
And die with me

Die with me

These lyrics have a very special meaning to me, and I like the way the melody goes. Much inspired by music I've been hearing lately and things I'm going through at the moment. I will ask someone very close to me to try and put the acoustics to this song.


  1. I liked the chorus the most, gotta say :)but not so powerful I´ve got used to when reading your pieces lately.
    "Wake me up, try to pull me out
    Of the water surrounding me
    And closing in on me
    Say the name of your sacrifice
    And drown with me"

    nothing to add. <3

  2. "Falling through the ice
    Swept off by the streams
    Seeing through your fading eyes
    Fighting the urge to dream"

    Lovely <3


  3. "Drowning, hard to resist it now
    Lost in remembrance
    Lying, yours weren't hard to find
    Wishing I could take back mine"

    Interesting and somehow different from your other works :)

  4. Thanks, all. It is a bit different, perhaps the most suitable lyrics material I've written in a while. I'm hoping Rockstar will help me out with the acoustics added to the song and a recording just might come up. :)


For Dust And Memories