Thursday, December 31

A Slicer

Am I a slicer?
One of those to cut
Their wrists
Am I one of them now?
Just because I got scars
On my palms

I thought I was different
And never would end up
Like them
My pain was different
I did it out of other reasons

But needles or scissors,
It's all the same
They all leave marks on me
The same
And so I am a slicer,
I guess

In the supermarket queue
My VISA won't go through
There's no money left on it
And I'd only picked things
I really needed

In my car is the bag of beers
That I forgot there last night
And all of it froze and the bottles popped
And my car now smells of day old party

I call for a friendly voice
And I'm told that I'm stupid,
On the other end of the line

Maybe I am stupid
Maybe I shouldn't expect things
To ever get any better

And it's hopeless now
And I'll give those needles a good boil
So that at least my scars won't be infected

Maybe it would be better if they were


  1. no it wouldn´t be any better! so please boil them if you have to use them.

    but I´m not the one to tell you to stop. I´m almost as bad.

    aaaand hey! I finally translated what I promised so go and check it! ;)

  2. I've seen wayy better poems from you, I gotta say. This was okay. Sorry :-|

    Blog Layout. Amazing. How? :-|

  3. Ohhhhh! Rocco, is it on your site?

    And beavs, well yes. I needed to get it out of me and so it was definitely not a masterpiece. Sometimes I just need to write the thoughts out of my head and then I don't really care how it sounds or looks like. But nonetheless it's a peek inside little Clementine's mind ;)

  4. Alev helped me with the background and we added it through HTML. That was how I got rid of the annoying borders as well. The rest is just color scheme!


For Dust And Memories