Sunday, April 24

Pseudo World

I have to get my emotional fix
Drench myself in the depths of the sound
Blasting my personal cures to the world
I'm not fully healed,
sometimes it even breaks me down
but the fundamental stays
The fundamental state of mind
And sometimes it's the only way
to drown out the sorrow

I'm sorry if I didn't hear you or even listen
I was in the pseudo world where I belong
The state where I can make and create
Where everything builds up to the greater art
Where everything is about passion, emotion
Where you can feed off air and forgotten love
And you're covered in silver mist and door knobs

I have to get my self-medication
Type in a trance until I drown
Shut out the market of the world
And only feel
Sometimes thought is overrated,
and underrated at the same time
You're not supposed to think
but you're not supposed to feel either

I'm sorry if I didn't hear you or even listen
I was in the pseudo world where I belong
The state where I can make and create
Where everything builds up to the greater art
Where everything is about passion, emotion
Where you can feed off air and forgotten love
And you're covered in silver mist and door knobs

I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to give of myself
Portion after portion of unconditional love
But I'm a poet, lost in mind, lost in time
Half my heart has to stay mine
Or I might run out of words
And become a copycat, a mime

Or am I lying?
I have no control of my heart
It's a wild creature, intended to fly
But I've let everyone chain it down
And instead I'm stuck with a pretense integrity
Saying I did it on purpose, when I didn't
It was the world that happened to me
and it wasn't self-inflicted

But would you believe me?
Don't you all create your own darkness,
you say, don't you all do it to yourselves
And feel sorry for yourselves as you do
Expecting someone else to repair the damage

We don't
I don't
I can't control the damage

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For Dust And Memories