Monday, May 19

On Your Leash

Did you see me when I fell
down the lonely road to hell
See me anxious and in despair
How I was caught
by your flare

Were you glad to see me go
cause you were certain
I wouldn't last
I'd be run over by life as soon
as I got out of the past

Did you call me for my voice?
Or was it just your only choice?
I'm still on your leash
In your eyes
At least

So keep calling, keep me close
Fend off the lost cause
And smile

We were never better


  1. Just as I was about to think that there is no way this could be better than the one before... The "We were never better" line, just got me good, girl! Great job! =)

  2. Agreed! That line is the essence of the song.

  3. I have to agree that the last line summed everything up to perfection, i loved this poem for its description, great job Becca


For Dust And Memories