Thursday, April 23

Not Even Nostalgia

You could tell me to die away from here
You could ask me to fade
To do you a favor
To your name

Det fläckar ditt rykte att ha känt mig

I tell myself I don't listen to your words
And that accusations mean nothing
I can stab myself in the back
So that you won't get stained

So you'll dry from my bloody rain

Det tynger ditt hjärta att veta om mig

You could do us all a favor
And get rid of me as it is
I'm no longer of any use to you
I'm not even nostalgia
like I used to

This is what it comes down to

Du skulle av att ha ihjäl mig

Just maybe I could bring you down when I fall
And just maybe find out
were you worth it, at all?
See if I didn't go willingly
You'd never get hold of me

Jag vet att vi kommer att dö tillsammans
Men det är bättre än att leva
utan dig


I know many of you aren't language interested at all, and I definitely don't know why the hell half this thing just came out in Swedish, so I thought if I'm gonna publish the thing, I'm gonna have to roughly translate those lines for you. Pay attention now, ladies and gents!

First line:
"Det fläckar ditt rykte att ha känt mig"
= "It stains your reputation, to have known me"

Second line:
"Det tynger ditt hjärta att veta om mig"
= "It weighs your heart down to know about me"

Third line:
"Du skulle dö av att ha ihjäl mig"
= "You would die from killing me"

Things are getting really exciting!

Fourth, and the final lines:
"Jag vet att vi kommer att dö tillsammans
Men det är bättre än att leva
utan dig"
= "I know we're going to die together
But it's better than living
without you"

Yeah, something like that, anyway. Hope that made the poem make any more sense to you. I will try not to blurt out hybrids like this one in the future. But you never know...


  1. I vote for hybrids like that one. Makes it sound kinda mysterious and interesting to read.
    And who told you we aren't language interested? *serious guy*

  2. Well, with the exception of you and Al. You are both the language sponges. Buuuut, I figured you wouldn't feel referred to ;)
    Haha yeah I guess, thank you :)

  3. I for one liked it. :)
    The blending of languages is an interesting idea.

  4. Haha thanks, give credit to my subconscious mind that blurted it out ;)

  5. interesting, indeed. I tried to use my poor Swedish and understand butI had to give up ^^ but I understood that last stanza! so proud ^^
    dark and... yes. dark. and interesting. and scary! this is gonna come to my nightmares... :P well lol, I just saw a nightmare where rabbit ate my toes! ^^

  6. I reaaaaaally hope my writings don't give you nightmares such as that. xD
    Haha rocco that's great! I'm glad you could make it out :)

  7. I actually love the idea of combining two languages! It just involves so much more talent :)
    This is great bex!! :D

  8. this is one hell of a brilliant piece!! i loved the idea of combining the 2 languages...

    and the content: my o my.. :O

    "I can stab myself in the back
    So that you won't get stained"

    "You could do us all a favor
    And get rid of me as it is"

    "Just maybe I could bring you down when I fall
    And just maybe find out
    were you worth it, at all?"

    pure fuckin brilliance.... this piece is radiating with the kind of talent u have!!!

    great job!


  9. it reminds me of the song 'A Tout Le Monde' by Megadeth! in english that means 'To everyone'
    Give it a listen :D i think you will like it. it's english and french combined :)

  10. BEX! Also.. I have to send you another song when I talk to you next. It's by my band.. I want you to hear and give advice :D


For Dust And Memories