Tuesday, June 24

My Aces

Here's another poem I wrote for the kids in my class.
It's about me having faith in them, and what they might one day become, despite what the world has decided to do with them.
It's about me, caring more for the moment, and these souls,
than fulfilling my own selfish and stupid dreams.

I can see our students playing around!
I can hear them laughing,
I can hear their sounds.
I wouldn't want these weeks to go completely to waste,
and this day is an appetizer, just of my taste.
The smell of success is here,
and we may not be perfect,
but we're very near...

/Poem to my group


  1. Awww! This is so sweet! :D I love it, I bet your students will love it too! <3

    Why can't any of my teachers write poems like this to us? *rolls eyes* :D

  2. Awwww, Becca the poem is wonderful, made me smile for miles :P

    It just shows your dedication to the class, shows that you're there for more than an education and an EVENTUAL paycheck, it shows that you CARE and THAT is what matters the most.

  3. <3 Lovely comments, thanks guys.
    These kids really touch my heart and soul, I hope that shows. <3


For Dust And Memories