Monday, October 6

Anonymous Me

I've been black, blonde, red,
purple, brown, blue,
striped, in patterns,
short, long, with a fringe,
I've worn glasses,
I've had contacts,
I've dressed proper,
punk, rock, bohemian,
t-shirt, sweatshirt, short skirt,
dresses, jeans, jackets, boots,
different bags with different badges,
I've had a million faces at least,
and so I'm invisible,
I'm anonymous me.


  1. Are you on a row today or what? :D It's so brilliant, I simply adore what you came up with here.. <33

  2. Holy shit Bex.. this is specifically YOUR poem but it applies to so many, people who just stand in the background, ornaments of the world around them, not noticed no matter how much they strive. Beautiful Work.

  3. Haha thanks :D yeah it's real personal to me... don't care much how it turned out but it's just a feeling that is very much me. Reminds me of something my mum once said about me, that I was constantly changing myself because I didn't know who I was yet...

  4. WOW! I LOVE this!! :D it's so you, always changing your appearance. You really are a chameleon :P It turned out great!

  5. Hahahaha yeah, the chameleon! I needed to vent it :D I was starting to think the other day... why do I change myself so much? This might be closing in on the reasons. :P

  6. hahaha i told you you have a million faces! did this poem come from that? great poem anw :D

    oh and i'll comment on the rest as soon as i can, no time. (life sucks) will someone kill me? anyone?

  7. I will most certainly NOT kill you, it'd be a waste of talent ffs. ^^ Ahahah yeah I know you said that, that was part of the inspiration ;D thanxies!


For Dust And Memories