Saturday, October 25


Ok. Only 5 days left until Nano kickoff and I'm getting a teeny bit nervous that I might not make it in time... I have 9,000 words left to write before I hit the mark. Oh! And I just realized something else, that the story has to be sort of completed by that time, or it will be quite difficult continuing on the third novel right away... I might have to skip some parts of the sequel so that I can fill up the gap later. Haha!
Ok, gotta make sure to write some more if I wanna consider myself done for the day... Not much more time for dropby's here.
See ya!
POET in the Obstructed JAR


  1. and who are Nano? i can guess just wanna be sure :P

    but dont leave parts out beki!!!!

    good luck =)

  2. Haha amin :D Nano is short for the Nanowrimo contest, found at Write a novel in 30 days you know :D thanksss you :D

  3. Thank you! :D Only 5,000 words to go and I got 4 days to make it!! =D


For Dust And Memories