Saturday, October 18

For Once Be Real

I don't wanna be judged anymore.
Don't wanna be evaluated.
Don't wanna be assessed.
I just want to do what I want for a while.
Resting a little from your watchful eyes.
For once close my eyes, close my mind
and just feel.
For once be a being,
for once be real.

Found this just now while cleaning, it was in a school notebook. Think it's kinda decent, ha ha. Guess I wasn't too fond of school right about this time...
That'll have to do for now,
// POET in the JAR


  1. Hehe... and this is the basis of your future and present choice of life: A teacher! Imagine how thing can change!! I love it though and I guess this is how pupils and teachers feel sometimes.

    Miss u, Nubs. On wednesday it is 1 month since I left Sweden! Feels like yesterday. (Memories push through from yesterday =)

    Faithfully yours

  2. Awww hubby! I POTF-brainwashed you too much for your own good. ^^ Aww it does... wow it's been like 1 month since I started my job too... time flies, especially weekends. *rolls eyes*

    Cant you put your blog adress up again, I keep forgetting what it was? :/

    Miss ya! Cheerios :)

  3. Damn, I feel the same way right now. xD I so want a break from my thoughts.. :/ Love the piece, hon! <3

  4. Awwww hon, let's be non-judged together. <3


For Dust And Memories