Wednesday, December 10

Panic Lost

I can't breathe.
Something's pressing on my lungs.
A mare, sitting on my chest, heavily,
like in the old drawings.

I can't breathe.
My airways are blocked.
Nothing's wrong with me and all is clear,
but something is, and I'm all ears.

I come out of my sleep choking,
tumbling on a dream,
while all the stitches I ever sew
are ripped from their fumbling seam,
I realize that it's something else,
that is close to my heart and dark,
and the reason I wake up breathless
is I'm trapped inside what things are,
I never expected to find any hope,
but since when it was taken away
I grieve for it in panic lost,
every fucking day


  1. *huggles back* I actually wasn't that down when writing it. Just that I thought I would illustrate the feeling I had the other morning when I couldn't breathe when I woke up :) It actually is starting to feel a bit better. Not good. But better. My horoscope said "divert your thoughts" so that's what I'm doing these days, ha ha :D

  2. Hey what's wrong? Do you have asthma or something? =/

    PS. Loved the poem...again! :)

  3. "I come out of my sleep choking,
    tumbling on a dream,
    while all the stitches I ever sew
    are ripped from their fumbling seam,"

    Really nice lines.... I have always loved the way you write. and you never prove me wrong! :D Im glad you dont.. Just keep those coming, will ya?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Cab - no I don't. It was something similar to an anxiety attack I experienced that morning.

    DP - thank you very much. It flatters me that a great poet such as yourself finds my poetry good. Haha I will try :)

  6. okay now that is total flattery.... c'mon im not that good.... *blushes*

  7. You are. Stop underestimating yourself. You're a very timeless poet and I can't help but love every thing that you write. How does that make you non-good? Please, motivate... :p


For Dust And Memories