Friday, January 9


I used to put you on a piedestal,
high over everything else.
I know you never belonged there,
other than in my eyes.
But even as you jumped from there,
causing yourself to fall,
I never felt indifferent,
I never felt blunt at all.
The way I looked at you on that piedestal,
I'll never see you again,
But nonetheless you'll have made me cry,
not being you,
being a lie.


  1. "But even as you jumped from there,
    causing yourself to fall,
    I never felt indifferent,
    I never felt blunt at all."

    The way you write is amazing, your poems never sound forced. And this one, like your other poems as well, seems somehow independent. It's like you hide a secret in every poem and every line so that the answer is hanging on the reader's tongue but they just cant quite have it...
    Good job, once again :D

  2. That's one of the best compliments I've gotten here. Wow thank you o_O

    I don't really mean to tell secrets though :D I just try to put what I feel in words ;) But I think it's kind of magical you should talk that way of how I write. Kind of a magical comment <3


For Dust And Memories