Tuesday, September 6

Exit Signs

I promise, I'll take care of it tomorrow
Can't you see how those tomorrows glisten
They're full of promises yet to be made,
full of promises still unbroken
And they whisper to you in the dark
Telling you there'll be better days
Do you believe them?
Do you believe them,
dwelling in the dark,
covered in sugar-coated dreams?

What choice do you really have?
When it stands between the final solution
and fixing your eyes on tomorrows
What choice do you really have?
When the present chains you down
When it chains you down so badly you'll surely drown
Even if you never chose it yourself it will chase you
You know you couldn't live this way
Clear-sighted, in the night
You know you'd just fade away

When did the demons return?
When did the nightmares start?
When did it become clear to you
That it was breaking your heart
That it was breaking your heart

I promise, I'll take care of it tomorrow
Or really any other day that never comes
I hear those are the best days to deal with life
I hear that running is always the best option
And I'm always running away
Always running away

Can't you see how those tomorrows glisten
Really, can't you see it
Exit signs in the darkness
Exit signs that are only detours
But you ignore it
You see those promises,
yet unbroken
Those promises you made,
to yourself


  1. "I promise, I'll take care of it tomorrow
    Can't you see how those tomorrows glisten
    They're full of promises yet to be made,
    full of promises still unbroken
    And they whisper to you in the dark
    Telling you there'll be better days"

    this is not one of my favourites, I don't know, the flow just isn't there. but yet again, strong message and it surely gave me a lot to think about.

  2. Well, no one is required to love it, especially not you, seeing how many other poems of mine you appreciate :) But at least it gave you a little thinker, and that's always something.


For Dust And Memories