Friday, January 27

Clarity Disabled

I've put myself in a hopeless situation
Willingly marched towards my own destruction
Knowingly fallen deep into addiction
Licking every last crumb off my fingers
Clutching my head, clutching my hands
Clutching my head

I can't stop perceiving these visions
Can't protect my mind from the intrusion
I'm only addicted, addicted to the infusion
Alarmed whenever my head clears
Whenever it's unclouded
Clarity is enabled

You didn't always fear clarity, did you
You weren't always consent with ignorance
Wasn't there a time you fought for innocence
When did you exchange it for vengeance
When did you exchange it for

I don't even think I'm equipped for defense
Even with the right tools I'll be unmotivated
There's no reason for me anymore to resist
Why not simply give in to permanent decadence
Whenever your head's unclouded
Clarity is enabled

You didn't always fear clarity, did you
You weren't always consent with ignorance
Wasn't there a time you fought for innocence
When did you exchange it for vengeance
When did you exchange it for

You told me I had betrayed my past self and inner child
That while my mind grew dull, my heart grew wild
Am I now supposed to adjust these regulations
Force myself back into ancient patterns
So I could fit with your intentions
Without any compensation
Is that part of your current implication

I'm divided within my own moral framework
Undecided between the young and the old
Undecided between what was only thought
And what was really told
All I can guarantee is that the two halves
Together, seem to make a whole
Complementing eachother
Compensating one another
Until I'm clutching my head
Clarity disabled

Monday, January 9

Lovely Bones

I don't know how to describe my current state of mind if not dull, blunt, encapsuled in a bubble where I feel enclosed from the world, isolated, alone. It's like I've forgotten everything I used to care for, forgotten what used to be delicate, what used to be valuable, how the smallest things could triumph over the daily and trivial. I can probably blame this mood on stress, big deadline coming up this week and everything; but it does trouble me. Not bother me, I'm too closed off from everything to feel like it's bothering me... but the thought of it is slightly discouraging. It's hard to describe, but for someone whose belief is that emotion is key, feeling robbed of your emotions is like giving away one of your arms... I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this. It's strange though. I used to believe that what you did in the daytime didn't matter as long as the rest was deep, was meaningful, being with your friends, listening to that music, going to this and that place, travelling... and now it seems my whole life revolves around school, I don't even have time to do laundry or clean my apartment, everything is so frantic and I feel like I've been walking around like a useless zombie ever since I came back from England. Something happened to my level of ambition while away; I can't seem to get back into the right focus and I hate myself a little for that; I'm sure I could have been more efficient than I have been since I got back here... But I think it'll work out... and hopefully, eventually, I'll feel that I can feel again, so that I'm not this deadened poet walking the streets and randomly sleeping at off hours as I was some fucking cat. I even feel bad because my Mom called me earlier and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about because I was still so tired, and she said she just called me to say she and Dad loves me and I felt horrible for not paying them the proper attention back. But I'm just so monotonous and my post-three-hours-on-sofa mood was pretty intense and like Glenda said, confusi-fying.

To just please change the topic, I'm currently reading Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones" and it's so, so saddening. You'd think this clashes with my previously described lack of emotion but in my world it definitely and easily coincides. It's saddening in itself that a piece of fiction can be more touching and real to me than everything I see and feel around me. I guess I'm a little tired of reality, simply...

That's really all I have to say now... see you in some other, less exhausted stage.