Wednesday, November 7


Slowly, but surely. The process moves onwards. Parallelling my novel project with exam weeks at school haven't been the easiest, but it's allright, you know, I'm getting there. I'm gonna skip the exam retake on Friday and do it next spring instead. There's no way I can make both the regular studying, study for the retake, and do the novel thing, at once. I've made my priorities, and the novel comes before the retake; the novel writing month only happen once every year, the retakes are done four times a year. Yeah. You get the point.
I've just started a really exciting passage in the novel where one of my main characters... hmm, I wonder how much I should tell here? Well, at least it's fun to write. In about, let's see... 398 words, I'll be up in the magic number 10,000 words, and that's only one week into the project. A little behind, but I'll see if I can catch up with some of that tonight. Anyway, 10,000 words is truly amazing - I can't believe I've kept my interest alive for this long! - and it also means, I've done as much as one fifth of the end result of 50,000. If I can keep this going, by writing my daily 1,667 words, and gain like, 200 words extra every day, I should be able to catch up with those missing five percent before long.
It's gonna be interesting to see how the second week evolves!
A, B, C, Dreaming Of Grammar, D, E, Dreaming Of My Novel, F, G, When Will I Study? H, Close My Eyes And See My Lecturer, IJKLMNOPQRSTUV, That Was A Writing Frenzy, Yeay, W... X... Y... Z... Last Part Comes... Really... Slowly... Says The Poet.
You Know Which!


  1. Don't worry, I'll help you catch up! :D

  2. Yeah becca I'm here also, BTW remember to post a link when your novel's done.

  3. It's so great to have you guys back me up. Of course you'll get to read it once it's done! but be patient though =) even if I do get it done during November, what I've written is the first draft, and it's gonna take me a while to edit. :D

  4. ok, but can i read the unedited version too? I'll be a good help in giving you pointers (as will Alev I thinks)

  5. hehe now you got me thinking! :) uhmm... spontaneously I wouldn't want anyone to read the unedited, crappy version cause I know that a lot of elements of it are gonna be omitted when I edit, making it loads better :D but then again, how often do you get this offer of editing help? I bet I'm gonna get stuck with that part too. So yeah, sure, I'll send you the first draft as well and we'll scratch our heads together :D

  6. YAY! I needed that cuz I've got a terrible writer's block and I'm hoping that by helping someone edit I'll be able to move on with my novel.

  7. Cool, never thought of it that way =D the more I think about it the better idea it seems, four eyes see better than two, right? :D :P Gee hope this helps you with your writer's block! and if it does, it'll be totally cool, then nanowrimo will have helped both you and me with it :D :D


For Dust And Memories