Sunday, November 11

A Hard Day's Night?

I'm just about to start today's share, and looking at my chocolate bar, I can see that half has gone by the time it took to start up the computer alone. Guess I'll have to resign to my water glass, when I get stuck and all the chocolate's finally gone. Dammit.
Gonna be a hard night tonight anyway, though. I got 2,000 words, approximately, to finish up today if I wanna keep up, and we all know I wanna keep up, right? So I better get to the business. This week's gonna be interesting, you know. Novel writing til 3 AM in the mornings... reading for Tuesday's deadline on my way to school, most likely... studying for Friday's exam in the lunch hours. Better hope this part of the linguistics course aint as complex as the first one was, that exam I flunked out on, and although I could have done the retake this Friday, I hadn't studied at all and decided to do it after Christmas instead. Hoping it'll be held then, maybe it's halfway into the term or something, but we'll see. I got like, three years to finish my points, so there's no rush. And let's face it, anytime is better than during novel-writing month, haha.
Enough about that.
Today we went to see Dad on Father's Day and to give him the lottery ticket I'd bought for him. He didn't win anything, but seemed equally happy anyway. Both he and Mum were at work so we went there. They're like, redecorating the whole place, everything was upside down and all over the place, but I think it's gonna look smashing when it's done.
See you when I reach next writer's block, until then, I'm gonna vanish off into novel-writing land.
Don't Do It As I Do It, Do It As I Tell You To. The basic morale of any parent lecturing their children. A gift to you from Poet In The Jar. Say Thanks.


  1. Thanks, Try to study while doing your writing, you cant keep your ideas too encased in your work, if you do you'll end up flunking the year, and we do NOT need that on your conscience do we??

  2. haha, well what do you think i'm trying? =D I do it all, just takes me a lot of time and energy, haha! xD guess i got most of it to blame myself for, though :D


For Dust And Memories