Monday, November 12

Some Sort Of Irony

Very happy to see that the magical number of 700 unique visitors has been breached today!
Gonna take me a while to upload to the news reel, since there've been technical problems, apologize for that.
I'm trying to get my thick head through this youth book called Silverfin, for school tomorrow, and I'm stuck. I look at the page, read it once, read it twice, still think it's the dullest thing I've ever read; look up at the computer screen and head to the blog. I know. My discipline sucks. But I just can't understand why we're supposed to read this sexist bullshit about "James Bond, before he became the legend". I've read almost 200 pages, and the only important female characters are James's aunt, who does "divine cooking", and Wilder Lawless - do you believe that name? - who has the "legs of a horse". If this is some kind of irony from our teacher's end, haha, now end it. Tragically enough, I've heard this book is like the top most popular youth book in Britain, even tops Harry Potter.
Does that tell you anything?
Tells me loads.
Anyway. Better suffer myself through it. When I'm done with it, I still got five essays to read and an upcoming exam, plus the novel stuff. But I might just drop by and publish a poem later on tonight, so keep your eyes open.
Bye for now, fellas.


  1. WHAT!! The british cant like that shit THAT much. More sold than HARRY POTTER.... that is just sickening.

  2. lol, sorry about the deleted comment, I accidentaly posted here. Hopefully I wont be so stupid in the future.

  3. Accidentally posted? LOL, how did you manage to do that? :D :D

  4. I was on msn and I typed in here instead of there

  5. OMG, I don't believe this crap! :o

  6. Hmm, who didn't get his share of sleep this weekend? XD


For Dust And Memories