Saturday, November 24

Of Course I Drink, I'm A Writer

Strange how easy the words are starting to come to me. I hardly look at them, I just catch them, and write them down. Easy! In the beginning, 1,667 words a day were almost literally HELL to be able to scramble up, but once I've gotten going, once I've stopped staring dumbly at a word hoping it will just transform itself to something better, now that's when I've really gotten the story going. Right now I'm doing a very interesting sort of, jumping back and forth in time, with flashbacks on what's going on in the real time of the events, and stuff. Yeah, sure I know a lot of it I'm gonna have to replace once it's done. But what the heck! That's the editing part, that's the last part!
What I'm doing now, see, that's the fun part, there's a difference there.
I think what made it for me was getting past that halfway point. Hit 25K, and it's all downhill from here, from here we can just soar, and fly ahead. Next important boundary is 40K. When I'm there, it'll be like running down towards that finishing line, almost hearing everyone stomp and cheer for you!
What does it matter that I'm a little little bit behind schedule?
Not much, not now that I've figured out the perfect strategy for myself!
I do it like this. Sit down, make myself comfortable. Computer switched on, the right document open. Chat programs and Internet closed down, dictionary, water and a handy piece of candy next to me, for when I'm struck by sugar loss (yes, I admit it, I have an addiction to sweets). Check the clock, add an hour to what it shows, and say to myself: "When that clock hits that time, I have to have written 1,000 words." And then I do! It's amazing that it actually works to do word wars with yourself. Anyway! When I reach that number, may it be on time, may it be before time's up, I stop writing, right away, and have a twenty minute break, doing something completely else.
Eating, micro-sleeping, feeding the banana flies, that sort of stuff.
And when I get back, I do it again. Strange, but I never fail to miss the deadline, even if I think what I write really, really sucks, and that delete button is starting to look tempting...
Awesome! This way I'll hit 40K by midnight, I'll drop by to tell you the minute that I do so (and if I do so...).
Well, actually, by the time I finish this post, I'll have been gone from the writing for hours (for a good cause, mind you, my kitchen is now spotlessly clean), so I better wrap it up.
There're two things I wanna say:
1. Awesome to see you on Nanowrimo, Ryan! I think we'll have a blast when we both join next year. All blood, sweat and tears, and probably a hint of laughter, too. Meanwhile, you'll do a great job supporting everyone. Thumbs up for you!
2. Saw 1408 at the cinema yesterday, and John Cusack did such a nice line that's clinging to my head. View the title of this post, and wow, there it is. Thought it'd fit beautifully with all this writing frenzy stuff that's been going to my head lately. Enjoy!
Bye for this time, folks, hopefully see you at 40K tonight!


  1. I remember that quote too, best movie quote EVER!

    Also Becca I cant wait 'til next year then I hope to finish a novel REALLY fast.

  2. Yeah it must be! =D

    Yeah, I think it's gonna be great next year too! I'm already looking forward to doing the next one :D with the people on the forums and everything, you get such an awesome and unique writing experience, I think it's hard to get in other ways. Like, usually when I write I feel like I'm alone on the planet, cause no one I know understands what it's like cause they don't do this kind of thing. But any Nanowrimo writer knows, and understands :) It's a nice way of getting support, some laughs, and hopefully a novel written!

    Uhm yeah... I'm gonna stop promoting it now. xD


For Dust And Memories