Tuesday, November 6

Critical Eye

I've just discovered something: that I can't read anything, nor can I write anything, without seeing it with the critical eye. I guess it stems from the literature course, but still, when I look at what I'm writing in my novel now, for instance, everything seems to mean something, whether it's the story as such that has deeper layers or simply the form I choose to write it in. It's fascinating, really, you know, I didn't know much about this stuff before we did literature class, and now I'm soaked through with it. I interpret everything from the basis that everything might mean something completely else than it does on the surface; implications and suggestions are everywhere.
It's actually so much fun I wouldn't mind taking some more literature courses, and keep working with symbolism and all that.
Gosh, my eyes feel like they're glued together... I'm so tired, it's been a long day in school and I'm completely exhausted. But before I can get to bed today I got to do my share of writing, plus homework. Hope it won't take as long as it did yesterday.
Poet In The Jar Says Something.


  1. cool, I noticed your talent when you were replying to 'Black Roses' not many people would catch such things.

  2. haha, maybe this is my future career??? :D :D


For Dust And Memories