Tuesday, April 1

Errands, Camp Nanowrimo & Narratives

Well, today was unusually productive. Managed to do a ton of errands. Made some calls, paid some bills, got some paperwork out of the way. Applied for a job. Finally handed in that late book to the library. Mailed some letters, threw out some trash. Topped it off with a couple of hours of browsing for good tutorials and figuring out some scaling standards in Blender. I recently rejoined a project that I've been away from due to all the things I've been writing about earlier and this time I feel like I am actually up for the task. The scope of the project scared me off a little last time, and as soon as I ran into problems in Blender I just gave up. Then everything just crashed down around me in my personal life and it just got worse. It feels good to be back on a project again.

Somewhere in between all these things I had time for a Skype meeting and a coffee at a friend's house. He proposed something interesting - that we spend an hour a day learning something/studying something. At first he wanted it to be maths but I wasn't too thrilled about that, so we compromised and said one hour of studies of your own choosing. I'm gonna let my Blender studies cover that one hour for today, and probably tomorrow as well.

Anyway, joining Camp Nanowrimo for the second time and hoping to achieve something this time around. I have the lowest word count goal and will be working with converting old novels into a text game, for which I'm also making all the code and assets, so the scope of words is mostly for show. I just want some support and motivation from the fellow cabin people to get any writing done at all. I will probably join some writing prompts during the next few days even though what I'll jot down will most likely be drafts and notes. Who cares? I gotta have some kind of main script anyway. It seems bulky to write it all in Twine directly (an amazing tool, by the way; I'm going to blog about it later). 

So yeah, now for some writing and gaming to top this Tuesday off. I'm a little sad that nothing ever seems to change for me, for us, so I've decided to start making changes to my life. Blogging regularly again is one of those things. Cross your fingers for me.

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For Dust And Memories