Thursday, August 20

Let's Finnish

I'm aware I should be editing right now, and definitely not thinking this much about a certain Cade (most recent spawn of my imagination). I also am aware that if I did sit down to write on his story, defying everything that really needed to be done; I'd probably lose time, forget myself and about work and turn up 2 hours late.
So what is it about this guy, about this story, that I can't let go of? I know it's not going to run anywhere, and I might as well write it once the editing is finished.
I guess that is one of the writer's dilemmas - inspiration never strikes you when you need it, more like the other way around.
Recently I came to rediscover my love for libraries. Always something interesting in there that you can find. Last time I was there (my second time there, in the countryside library of course), I ended up leaving with a beginner's CD course in Finnish and a comic book version of Stephen King's The Dark Tower. Not at all what I was looking for to begin with!
Alright. If this Cade is going to insist on me, I might as well open up his document and get carried away with it, to get it done. At least for just a moment...


  1. so how long was that moment after all? ;) 3 hours?
    Finnish? oh well, tell me when I can start to speak Finnish with you ;) (hopefully your Finnish will be better than my Swedish ever...)have a nice time while learning my dear mother language

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  3. Uhmm, yeah, it did turn out something like that. xD Can never restrain myself to "just a moment" when I feel like I really have something to write about. I said to Mum today it's good sometimes to lose track of time, it means you're really enthusiastic about something. Mum said she can't remember when she did that last. I think that says it all ;)


For Dust And Memories