Tuesday, August 23


My dream last night was just completely wicked. It started when I scratched my ears and discovered there was a small colony of mushrooms growing behind my right one, and when I tried to remove them they started bleeding, so I had to let them stay where they were. Everything was in a dirty and low-tech kind of future where most of the city was made out of quilts and patches of fabric. I was for some reason fleeing through the city landscape. I had woken up and no one knew my name, I guess I was trying to find it. I had the brilliant idea that I could signal to my grandmother by pulling out old rugs from a cupboard and hanging them out a certain window displaying a certain color code. With me for some reason was the old woman who's the nanny of my child in The Sims 2. My grandmother replied from her window with another color code and we hurriedly took off to see her. When we arrived, my grandmother, grandfather, sister, cousin and me were all wearing protective gloves while sitting down at the dinner table and we were apparently going to help them out on the big cleaning day, something we did every week. I started browsing through a magazine where I read a very moving article of two old men who used to be soldiers as kids until they inherited a fortune from a distant relative. It was so moving that I started to cry, at which point my grandmother said, "Oh hi John, what are you doing here?" and Rockstar entered the kitchen wearing a giant orange parka. They then exchanged formalities while I tried not to look like I had been crying and made myself busy trying to find that article again to show my sister. Rockstar turned his back on the table and dozens of chocolate bars started falling out of the back of his head onto the floor, something that everyone found to be a hilarious joke. Then he left the room and we left the house on motorcycles because for some reason we were now being chased. During our motorcycle ride I spotted some steampunk-ish aircrafts in the sky, including three of them looking not-quite-but-almost like they were police ships, and I said: "It's my old crew!", kicked off from my bike and jumped all the way up to the police craft where I was sucked into it, but no one else was on the ship. I took a moment to think about whether I was the police or if my ship had been cleverly masked as a police ship and if I was really good or evil. That's when I realized I had been betrayed by someone because the government agents appeared and begun chasing me. They chased me into a building full of parking lots where millions of small red dots started appearing on the ground. My allies still left on the ground called out, "RUN!" because they had spotted the man-size bunny bombs (yes. I'm not making this shit up) that was about to blow my ship to pieces. I jumped out of the ship, which hit the bunny bombs and exploded and I had to run as fast as I could across all those red dots, which were tiny laser bombs and blew up only a moment after I stepped on them. Amazingly I saved myself out of that floor and just like that I was in a hotel, learning my nanny had been the one who ratted me out; she had apparently taken a shot to look like an old woman but was actually a male agent and everything started to make so much sense (...). I summoned my allies from around the hotel's different rooms ordering them to put their costumes on and it turns out we were all kind of superheroes. The perspective was totally reversed and I became one of my nameless allies with long red hair and armed with those comforters you give to kids, but that were actually grenades. This way I could distract a blue-haired maid who discovered me as I tried to sneak out and then take the elevator down. Then I was magically myself again and back on the motorcycle in a landscape that looked like Nevada's. I crashed the motorcycle when I saw a flying man in the sky and realized it was Rockstar flying away. I lay on the ground motionless and I think I shouted things at him, but of course he was too far away to hear me.
And then I woke up.
Anyone wants my dreams?


  1. wow that really was wicked.

    I have odd dreams as well and they're often considered as great breakfast entertainment as we share our dreams. "You'll never believe this but I actually had this dreams last night..." and so the circle begins. it's awesome really!

  2. That sounds awesome! Me and Mom are always exchanging dreams too. They're always very strange and fun unless they were nightmares of course, still it's entertaining to listen to^^ My Dad says he thinks he had a dream once. XD He doesn't really remember his dreams.

  3. haha yeah that happens often to me as well, like I forget most of the dream or just have thing feeling in the morning like "hell, I'm sure I dreamt of... Of... Well I'm sure it was something!" that's the one the most annoying things I can think of!

  4. *one of the most

    yes, I can write occasionally.

  5. Hahahaha! Well, at least you noticed, and fixed it xD Yeah it's so annoying, like when you're trying to think of someone's name and you can ALMOST but not quite remember.


For Dust And Memories