Tuesday, February 27

Nothing To Tell

Inside my guilt is plaguing me,
But I'll never speak it aloud,
Inside my hate is raging me,
But on the outside I am proud.
Didn't you know it's immoral to care?
How else could you live with yourself?
You should just keep on living
with the mask that you wear,
And forget it,
There's nothing to tell.

This is it. Life. What you wanna call it. The way we're
supposed to lead our lives. And if you wanna blend in, you
better swallow it and get a move on, past the homeless
on the streets, past the news reports on your way into
your new kitchen. Don't forget to feed the cat! Best in
show! I'm sick of it. This. I feel as if I see things clearly,
just the way they actually are, and that's good - but it's
got a prize. The prize of exposure to the real world, is
the pain. The unbearable pain. I'll shed my tears for
as long as I can stand, so that I can forward the message.
But then I'll put the mask back on.
It's simply a matter of survival, ol' chap.

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For Dust And Memories