Wednesday, February 21


I aint no product of your makebelief
I aint your wishes or your dreams
Imaginary as you might be
I'm sorry but that just aint me

Truthfacer is almost, I would say, like a cry for help.
Look at me! Help me! I'm real! It illustrates the feeling
of being the smallest person in the world, invisible and
powerless. But it isn't my makebelief. It's how it's actually
like. Millions of people out there are starving; lost in
battle; tormented by diseases that have a cure but the
cost is too high; living in extreme poverty; being sold
for sexual abuse, the list goes on and on and on, trust me,
it doesn't tend to end.
And what do we do about this? We watch it, on TV, for
twenty minutes a couple of nights of the week. Figure
we've done our amount by following the news and
keeping us updated. Then we lean back in our sofas
and switch channels to watch
Titanic, and that's when
the tears start coming. It's too difficult to cry over
something real - who knows? It might actually hurt.
You might actually start to feel something! It might
make you feel some guilt, and you might have to do
something, instead of popping open another bag of
chips in front of the telly which is sooo comfortable.
No, no, in that case, yeah, I'd go for Kate and Leo
every time, and cry my heart out over it too. And
you wanna know why? Why would I do so, being
the Poet of the Jar and all?
Well. Because afterwards, I can tell myself it's
allright. It was just a film. And forget about it.
I'm having a hard time doing the same thing
for starvation. And diseases. And sexual abuse...

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For Dust And Memories