Monday, March 12

White Little Lies

White little lies
No one minds
No one finds
As long as they're small,
you wouldn't care at all
But when white little lies
won't stop growing in size,
they stop making sense,
and you're ripped of innocence.

"A white lie won't hurt you." And that's true. A white lie you'd use to protect someone else, or to protect yourself, and mostly it does more good than it does you harm. But what happens if
a white lie grows? If it changes from small and harmless to a lie that you find more and more difficult to sustain, cause it shields off a truth that you don't wanna, or don't have the energy to, face. At some point you might even be telling that lie to yourself, sensing that if you don't believe it, no one else will, either.

WARNING: WARNING: Poet in the Jar Confession!

I sat on a bench today. Thinking. My specialty. And I thought, damn it, I know this, I know what this is. This is how you feel when you realise that white lie you've kept telling the whole year, is, inevitably, going to burst, and it's going to burst soon. I don't know whether I should just watch and let it, and let that weight off my shoulders but having to live with it instead dragging down my feet; or if I should struggle like hell to keep it, and be unhappy but with a clear conscience. All I know is if I don't set things straight pretty soon, the stone is gonna roll sooner or later, destroying every ounce of future hope to gather some nice-looking moss.
Now, Over And Out.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, been there to baby... Puss gumman.


For Dust And Memories