Tuesday, April 29

Tag And Tell Has Gone To Hell

Bad news for all you who've been visiting the Tag'n'Tell board on the site: due to constant spamming the Poet has decided to remove the box. All on-site interaction will from here on take place in the comment fields, or if you'd rather email, send your thoughts directly to poetinthejar@hotmail.com.

As many of you may already know, the site's visitor count ticked over 2,000 visitors not too long ago. The Poet would like to thank everyone who keeps dropping by, making it all so much worth the trouble!

Take care out there, everyone. Street teaming and essaying is taking a lot of the Poet's space right now, but stay tuned for more!

The Poet in the Jar News Announcer


  1. Oh man, I really liked tagging and telling you. :D Damn spammers... :S

  2. I never even used it once :P But if there truly was alot of spamming goin on then removing it was the best idea

  3. Yeah I know :( I liked seeing you use the box too, alev! But it was just too much spam flying around, couldn't have it that way :S So I guess I'll be seeing like, twice as much of you around the commentaries now haha :D


For Dust And Memories