Wednesday, April 21


Hitting a low, wasn't going to take my pills for today but in the end I found myself in the bathroom scrambling up some anyway. Listening to Abney Park to try and take some of the edge away. It's working alright. His voice usually soothes me.
Today I had a strange idea about writing a kid's book about UFO's. Maybe I'll do that sometime. Meanwhile I'll just have to spend tomorrow on the poem collection, my deadline for that is on Saturday. I got today off so no worries.
Sigh Robert's voice really helps.
Now maybe for an episode or so of Red Dwarf before bed so I can die away laughing.
POET in the JAR

1 comment:

  1. I haven´t done ANYTHING with my poems :D I wish I can do it Friday night... just on time xD hopefully Key doesn´t show up or I won´t be able to do anything but just talk to him... xD

    keep it up, fellow poet. we´ll make it!

    PS. My lazy beta just answered me. she lost all her notes when her computer was broken and now she has to start again from the zero. at least I got now first 30 pages´ comments. apparently there was a bottle called "Tauski" xD the owner of the bottle was supposed to be Tauski but I made it sound like the bottle was him... well this only shows how blind I can be with my own pieces :) so it´s good to have her in the end.


For Dust And Memories