Allright, here's the indie song I promised you.
How does it feel to taste it?
In your mouth
and on your tongue
How does it feel to see it glow
instead of you?
How does it feel to draw
that venom
down your lungs
When you know as well as I
you hate it
Things are never as good as they seem
And still we long to taste it
If we do our dreams dissolve
You get too close,
too real,
too mean
So only smoke when you are drunk
And blame it on the drinks
Only smoke when you are drunk
Only inhale, exhale, all that junk
when you are drunk
Only smoke when you are drunk
All the glamour in a pill
for you to take
The easy escape in a kill
for you to make
How does it feel when your addictions clash?
You know that you're addicted
How does it feel to be controlled?
It takes your role
When we do our dreams dissolve
So only smoke when you are drunk
and blame it on the drinks
Only smoke when you are drunk
Only smoke when you are drunk
Only exhale, inhale
When you're drunk
How does it feel to be addicted to life?
Right, so to begin with the form of this song was quite different from what I usually write, but while typing it, it grew more and more similar to my normal style. I've tried to keep the originial aura of the lyrics while rewriting it, and still think it breathes of something a bit unusual, a bit new. Hope you'll enjoy this slow song, about being tempted, addicted, and drawn to things we know we have no business doing with - I enjoyed it a lot while writing it (singing in my car at 1 AM in the morning as it should be).
Thursday, May 29
Only Smoke When You Are Drunk
The Write Thing To Do
Right, fellas! So it's offically over and done with! This is the day after my second tattoo and I'm really surprised about how it's turning out. The last one took only like twenty-five minutes but hurt and itched for all the time it healed up, I sure expected the same but like ten times the pain and itchiness this time, ha ha. It took three hours in total to make it, and it covers basically all of my left forearm, and I'm absolutely in love with it. The fact that it hasn't itched or anything yet only suggests to me that I'm getting into the habit, taking good care of it, and made a good choice going to a different tattoo artist. I'm very happy with the result, that is, the like twenty minutes each day that I can actually enjoy looking at it without having to peer through the thick layer of lotion constantly covering it.
Ah, it'll be nice when I don't have to do that jibberish... but now is definitely not the time to be sloppy if I wanna be able to live with it for the rest of my life! Haha. Well, I haven't had any trouble with it yet (if you don't count how not used I am to it, looking down and wondering what the hell of a monster is on my arm), except that I have to keep it covered when in the sun, meaning long sweaty days of longsleeves in the boiling heat. It really is unusually warm right now, and that I celebrate by covering myself up, haha! On the other hand the moment I go inside to get cool I have to walze around in t-shirts or something in order to give the tattoo enough of air. What a balance there! I got a few pics of it, but they were all taken when it was still in plastic and pretty much looked like shit, so I'll keep you guys waiting and post a better pic, without the lotion, the plastic, and when the colours aren't as bright but more faded as they should be.
Got an exam in a few hours, I'll be going to bed soon as I've fetched my laundry from the cellar. Lucky buggar me, got my hands on an appointment just four hours ago, someone'd cancelled theirs... it was all mine to snatch! And so I did, which was a lifesaver. I could bore you with the details but I'll simply leave it at, well, I could no longer enter my walkin closet without risking my death being crushed underneath the weight of the piles of clothes somewhere in its depths.
Also wrote a song about smoking while driving home from Mum and Dad's yesterday, called "Only Smoke When You Are Drunk", but then managed to forget the Notepad over at Ruby's. (Why did I write that with a big N?) You'll have to wait a bit for it... it's more indie style than I usually write, a bit experimental, but it's nice, I'm happy with it. And naturally, the answer to your question is no, it's not actually about smoking, but it's where I got the idea. It's a metaphor for addiction and our tendency to get drawn to what we know are bad for us.
But I guess you could have figured that out, couldn't you? You're all clever!
Tried all the local shops to get my hands on new online game Age of Conan today, but failed all over. The only copies left were Collector's Editions and I didn't think I'd afford me one of those, but when browsing through the online shops later, it seemed to be the only version available. So yeah... I kinda ordered it. Hope it'll arrive before the weekend, I'm looking forward to it a lot, tried it out at Ruby's house and even me, who've been very sceptical towards it, enjoyed it beyond reason, basically.
I got this weird idea about a novel project... I'm dying to get my hands on it and just throw myself into it, but I'm equally enthusiastic about my adventure novel, so I'm gonna stick to that for a while. Can't wait til next week when school's finally, FINALLY over, so I can just write away! That, my dear ones, is the time when I will again teach myself the literary discipline: shut down MSN and the Net, damnit, unplug it, even, and just force myself to sit with the project. No matter what comes out of it. We'll see where it all lands! But for everyone who's been with me from the beginning on this, fear not, I've more ideas and energy for it than ever. Only exams stand in the way...
says your newly tattoo-ed and currently cheerful,
Poet IN THE Jar
Ah, it'll be nice when I don't have to do that jibberish... but now is definitely not the time to be sloppy if I wanna be able to live with it for the rest of my life! Haha. Well, I haven't had any trouble with it yet (if you don't count how not used I am to it, looking down and wondering what the hell of a monster is on my arm), except that I have to keep it covered when in the sun, meaning long sweaty days of longsleeves in the boiling heat. It really is unusually warm right now, and that I celebrate by covering myself up, haha! On the other hand the moment I go inside to get cool I have to walze around in t-shirts or something in order to give the tattoo enough of air. What a balance there! I got a few pics of it, but they were all taken when it was still in plastic and pretty much looked like shit, so I'll keep you guys waiting and post a better pic, without the lotion, the plastic, and when the colours aren't as bright but more faded as they should be.
Got an exam in a few hours, I'll be going to bed soon as I've fetched my laundry from the cellar. Lucky buggar me, got my hands on an appointment just four hours ago, someone'd cancelled theirs... it was all mine to snatch! And so I did, which was a lifesaver. I could bore you with the details but I'll simply leave it at, well, I could no longer enter my walkin closet without risking my death being crushed underneath the weight of the piles of clothes somewhere in its depths.
Also wrote a song about smoking while driving home from Mum and Dad's yesterday, called "Only Smoke When You Are Drunk", but then managed to forget the Notepad over at Ruby's. (Why did I write that with a big N?) You'll have to wait a bit for it... it's more indie style than I usually write, a bit experimental, but it's nice, I'm happy with it. And naturally, the answer to your question is no, it's not actually about smoking, but it's where I got the idea. It's a metaphor for addiction and our tendency to get drawn to what we know are bad for us.
But I guess you could have figured that out, couldn't you? You're all clever!
Tried all the local shops to get my hands on new online game Age of Conan today, but failed all over. The only copies left were Collector's Editions and I didn't think I'd afford me one of those, but when browsing through the online shops later, it seemed to be the only version available. So yeah... I kinda ordered it. Hope it'll arrive before the weekend, I'm looking forward to it a lot, tried it out at Ruby's house and even me, who've been very sceptical towards it, enjoyed it beyond reason, basically.
I got this weird idea about a novel project... I'm dying to get my hands on it and just throw myself into it, but I'm equally enthusiastic about my adventure novel, so I'm gonna stick to that for a while. Can't wait til next week when school's finally, FINALLY over, so I can just write away! That, my dear ones, is the time when I will again teach myself the literary discipline: shut down MSN and the Net, damnit, unplug it, even, and just force myself to sit with the project. No matter what comes out of it. We'll see where it all lands! But for everyone who's been with me from the beginning on this, fear not, I've more ideas and energy for it than ever. Only exams stand in the way...
says your newly tattoo-ed and currently cheerful,
Poet IN THE Jar
Thursday, May 22
I went hunting my naivete
in the jungle of our lives.
Swept off with my machete
cutting through my own denial.
What will it take to make me see?
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling rain and fiery flames apart.
You mirrored my insecurity,
sent the beams back in my eyes.
And now I'm not looking for scapegoats to be,
they were all a bunch of lies.
Is this what it took to make me see
that the problem always lies with me?
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling rain and fiery flames apart.
I'll keep my extinguisher close
to put out your tired fire,
And have the matches ready for you
when you're drenched in your desire,
I'll chase off the bad the way it should be,
and not worry if anything's left for me.
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling falling rain and flames apart.
Some waters will always burn
Some tides will always turn
Somehow now I'm trying to learn
I'm trying to learn about you.
I wrote this song for you, Alev. Have patience with me until you get to hear it.
Warm huggles for you along with a teddy bear and a great "SORRY!" sign!
in the jungle of our lives.
Swept off with my machete
cutting through my own denial.
What will it take to make me see?
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling rain and fiery flames apart.
You mirrored my insecurity,
sent the beams back in my eyes.
And now I'm not looking for scapegoats to be,
they were all a bunch of lies.
Is this what it took to make me see
that the problem always lies with me?
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling rain and fiery flames apart.
I'll keep my extinguisher close
to put out your tired fire,
And have the matches ready for you
when you're drenched in your desire,
I'll chase off the bad the way it should be,
and not worry if anything's left for me.
When I water a tree, another one burns,
So does my heart.
My selfish self is trying to learn
telling falling rain and flames apart.
Some waters will always burn
Some tides will always turn
Somehow now I'm trying to learn
I'm trying to learn about you.
I wrote this song for you, Alev. Have patience with me until you get to hear it.
Warm huggles for you along with a teddy bear and a great "SORRY!" sign!
Monday, May 19
On Your Leash
Did you see me when I fell
down the lonely road to hell
See me anxious and in despair
How I was caught
by your flare
Were you glad to see me go
cause you were certain
I wouldn't last
I'd be run over by life as soon
as I got out of the past
Did you call me for my voice?
Or was it just your only choice?
I'm still on your leash
In your eyes
At least
So keep calling, keep me close
Fend off the lost cause
And smile
We were never better
down the lonely road to hell
See me anxious and in despair
How I was caught
by your flare
Were you glad to see me go
cause you were certain
I wouldn't last
I'd be run over by life as soon
as I got out of the past
Did you call me for my voice?
Or was it just your only choice?
I'm still on your leash
In your eyes
At least
So keep calling, keep me close
Fend off the lost cause
And smile
We were never better
Only Logic
I know I must have loved you
Why else would it tear me apart?
I know there must have been feelings
or I wouldn't be sore in my heart.
Now my betrayal has turned on me,
more than it ever did,
and still I knew how it was going to be,
I thought I'd be ready when it did.
And even though I have no right
to grieve what we have lost,
I never knew the cost.
It's the price for me to pay
to agonize,
and it's only logic
that I don't sleep at night.
Still, I must have loved you...
Why else would it make me feel?
Why else would it tear me apart?
I know there must have been feelings
or I wouldn't be sore in my heart.
Now my betrayal has turned on me,
more than it ever did,
and still I knew how it was going to be,
I thought I'd be ready when it did.
And even though I have no right
to grieve what we have lost,
I never knew the cost.
It's the price for me to pay
to agonize,
and it's only logic
that I don't sleep at night.
Still, I must have loved you...
Why else would it make me feel?
Pennies On Your Eyes
Should I dig me a hole in the ground
where I can lie
and shed my tears
Would that make it better?
Should I put pennies on your eyes
so you can die
without fear
with a clear conscious
Would that make it better?
I know I've stained your silk beliefs
or did I lift the blind from your eyes?
Regardless of which
I know this wasn't your scenery
I'm sorry you've had it ruined because of me
where I can lie
and shed my tears
Would that make it better?
Should I put pennies on your eyes
so you can die
without fear
with a clear conscious
Would that make it better?
I know I've stained your silk beliefs
or did I lift the blind from your eyes?
Regardless of which
I know this wasn't your scenery
I'm sorry you've had it ruined because of me
Drained And Drowning
I've been drained,
and I've drowned
in the flood of feelings
that isn't there.
I've been chained,
and I've been crowned
by all the warm faces
that aren't there.
Where is the sun
to brighten my day?
Where is the nightfall
to darken it?
They've crashed together
inside me
until we all faded.
My body is just a handfull of cells
as are our souls.
Unable to feel,
when pain is too real,
we live on,
and I'll live on.
and I've drowned
in the flood of feelings
that isn't there.
I've been chained,
and I've been crowned
by all the warm faces
that aren't there.
Where is the sun
to brighten my day?
Where is the nightfall
to darken it?
They've crashed together
inside me
until we all faded.
My body is just a handfull of cells
as are our souls.
Unable to feel,
when pain is too real,
we live on,
and I'll live on.
Needle And Stone
You see a hammer in a needle
and a mountain in a stone
Crossroads what separates you
from your home
Enlarge everything,
make mass out of nothing
You don't see the needle,
or the stone
And of that you're not alone
and a mountain in a stone
Crossroads what separates you
from your home
Enlarge everything,
make mass out of nothing
You don't see the needle,
or the stone
And of that you're not alone
Famous And Lost
Finally got hold of them famous lost pieces of writing mentioned on Raven's site... so I thought I'd put them up. Strangely only one of them seems better than I remember. Can you guess which one?
Just came home from one of the last exams of the term, and it was a friggin' retake. Can you believe it? It was actually, in fact, word by word, exactly the same exam as last time I took it. Exactly! It was the exact same text to translate, and the essay topics were exactly the same. It'll be quite interesting to see how the grade changes - if it changes - when the circumstances were all the same as last time, except this time I knew I couldn't make a "too free" translation, and oh also that I took the entire exam with a fever and kept spreading my lovely cough to everyone in the exam hall. The translation part went better this time, I think... but the essay part sucked. Can't believe you gotta redo both parts if you only fail one. Crappy.
Anyway, 13 days left for final submission of giant essay, only 11 days left to the tattoo! I'm really excited about it, I'm starting to get over the "I'm so scared" kind of nervousness, and am now more looking forward to it... although I have to admit it aint gonna be no dance on any roses, ha, ha. Well, it'll be worthwhile pain. I'm not too worried.
Right. So enjoy these pieces from me the best you can. I will come again soon...
Just came home from one of the last exams of the term, and it was a friggin' retake. Can you believe it? It was actually, in fact, word by word, exactly the same exam as last time I took it. Exactly! It was the exact same text to translate, and the essay topics were exactly the same. It'll be quite interesting to see how the grade changes - if it changes - when the circumstances were all the same as last time, except this time I knew I couldn't make a "too free" translation, and oh also that I took the entire exam with a fever and kept spreading my lovely cough to everyone in the exam hall. The translation part went better this time, I think... but the essay part sucked. Can't believe you gotta redo both parts if you only fail one. Crappy.
Anyway, 13 days left for final submission of giant essay, only 11 days left to the tattoo! I'm really excited about it, I'm starting to get over the "I'm so scared" kind of nervousness, and am now more looking forward to it... although I have to admit it aint gonna be no dance on any roses, ha, ha. Well, it'll be worthwhile pain. I'm not too worried.
Right. So enjoy these pieces from me the best you can. I will come again soon...
Saturday, May 17
Who am I to tell you anything?
To try and dampen your fall?
Who am I to believe I'm more
than simply nothing at all?
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Who am I to know your name?
To cling on to the key to your door?
Who am I to use it in locks
I know it was never for?
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Who is that echo of my voice?
And the consequences of my choice?
I label you, baptize you,
to make you real,
but the closer I get to naming you,
the more far away I feel.
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Break my shell,
Break with the past,
Break your magic,
take your spell away at last.
To try and dampen your fall?
Who am I to believe I'm more
than simply nothing at all?
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Who am I to know your name?
To cling on to the key to your door?
Who am I to use it in locks
I know it was never for?
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Who is that echo of my voice?
And the consequences of my choice?
I label you, baptize you,
to make you real,
but the closer I get to naming you,
the more far away I feel.
Break my shell,
force your way in,
Break your spell,
get out of my skin.
Break my shell,
Break with the past,
Break your magic,
take your spell away at last.
Never To Retrieve
Fetch me.
Someone threw me out the window,
Never to retrieve.
Someone threw me out the window,
Never to retrieve.
Tuesday, May 13
Traces Of Salt
I'm a stone in your eye
Why won't you leave me be?
I'll never know what you see in me
I'm a stone on your shoulder
Why won't you lift me off?
I'll never know why you carry me on
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
I'm alone in denial
Why won't you let me be?
I'll never know why you keep seeing me
I'm the poison in the vial
Why won't you pour me out?
I'll never know why you dwell in doubt
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
Set your sails
Be gone from me
I'll watch you, stranded,
as you go
Steer away
Set yourself free
I'll grieve for you, stranded,
as you go
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
Why won't you leave me be?
I'll never know what you see in me
I'm a stone on your shoulder
Why won't you lift me off?
I'll never know why you carry me on
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
I'm alone in denial
Why won't you let me be?
I'll never know why you keep seeing me
I'm the poison in the vial
Why won't you pour me out?
I'll never know why you dwell in doubt
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
Set your sails
Be gone from me
I'll watch you, stranded,
as you go
Steer away
Set yourself free
I'll grieve for you, stranded,
as you go
Go on with the flow,
You're the river,
You're the boat,
I'm only the traces of salt
going down your throat
Ups And Downs
Geez, still digesting this weekend... memories for life, to say the least. I get goosebumps just thinking about it! Wow, listening to the songs now afterwards really gives me shivers... suddenly they sound so much more alive and real.
There is a good reason why barely anyone has anything bad to say about this band.
Well, not doing much today, except trying to make time pass, and all the ways in which I try to do that only manage to make me restless. I still can't speak with this god forsaken nonexistant voice of mine, it's like every time the phone rings, I go like, oh no....! Cause it hurts that much to talk, ha, ha. Also got fever and the whole shebang, but who cares.
When I woke up this morning, my eyebrow piercing had bled. Bad sign. Gotta take it out and make a thorough cleanup.
Only 19 days left to tattoo... getting nervous, nervous, nervous.
Damnit, got work the entire next week, have no idea how to get the energy to do it. Been home from school for two days now and it's like I just don't care, you know? I know I got loads of stuff to do and exams coming up but it's like I've just given up. I have no energy for this anymore. I just look at my books and then go to do something entirely else. I don't mind. I'll probably pass my exams anyway, they're not exactly Einstein level, but it still makes me feel like crap. Found myself in a strange state this morning after I'd woken up and decided I was not well enough for school... couldn't sleep, couldn't move, I just lay there like, staring at the ceiling. I must have been like that for around half an hour before I finally dragged my Ipod into bed and tried to get some sleep with help of POTF... but sleep didn't come until much later, I listened through the entire track list of the weekend's gigs before I managed to sleep however lightly.
I'm a bit worried about myself, since entering that dormant catatonic state is normally a sign of upcoming depression for me. I don't wanna talk about it with anyone, like my Mum for example, cause the last few times this happened she was convinced I'd try to kill myself and wanted me to go to some old shrink, and that, I don't want. It's better that she worries about herself with all her medications and surgeries going on and all the energy she's got left after that she should be spending on worrying about last minute preparations for their trip to Greece.
Hehe, fancy that idea, every time Mum and Dad goes anywhere fun or does anything fun, they leave me and sis behind to cover work. Yay... so sick of it. I got my own life, like... so fucking sick of that place I don't want anything what so ever to do with it, like ever again. The moment I enter there I want out again. The only thing making it a bit worthwhile to stick around there is my co-worker Michael who's cynical and funny like fuck... ha, ha. No seriously... it's great to stand slaving at work when you know that the reason you're there is for everyone else to be free and do something fun.
The place in life for students, hehe.
Well, can't do without it either. Without work I'd be on the streets, even with as many student loans as I got... believe me, there's a reason why all students keep complaining about their economy.
Ruby just called, making me even more down. I don't know, but he tends to make me feel so down whenever he calls. It reminds me of everything, all the stuff I did that was crap and all the stuff I didn't do that was even worse. Reminds me of how bad I am as a person, which he isn't slow to tell me to my face, either. I need space. It's just, if he only could understand that the less I saw him, the happier those faces got, those memories we shared, the more sparkling they were. If I saw him every once in a while it'd be so much more fun.
Woke up this morning with tears streaming from my eyes. I don't know why. Maybe it was something I dreamt. Maybe it was just life.
There is a good reason why barely anyone has anything bad to say about this band.
Well, not doing much today, except trying to make time pass, and all the ways in which I try to do that only manage to make me restless. I still can't speak with this god forsaken nonexistant voice of mine, it's like every time the phone rings, I go like, oh no....! Cause it hurts that much to talk, ha, ha. Also got fever and the whole shebang, but who cares.
When I woke up this morning, my eyebrow piercing had bled. Bad sign. Gotta take it out and make a thorough cleanup.
Only 19 days left to tattoo... getting nervous, nervous, nervous.
Damnit, got work the entire next week, have no idea how to get the energy to do it. Been home from school for two days now and it's like I just don't care, you know? I know I got loads of stuff to do and exams coming up but it's like I've just given up. I have no energy for this anymore. I just look at my books and then go to do something entirely else. I don't mind. I'll probably pass my exams anyway, they're not exactly Einstein level, but it still makes me feel like crap. Found myself in a strange state this morning after I'd woken up and decided I was not well enough for school... couldn't sleep, couldn't move, I just lay there like, staring at the ceiling. I must have been like that for around half an hour before I finally dragged my Ipod into bed and tried to get some sleep with help of POTF... but sleep didn't come until much later, I listened through the entire track list of the weekend's gigs before I managed to sleep however lightly.
I'm a bit worried about myself, since entering that dormant catatonic state is normally a sign of upcoming depression for me. I don't wanna talk about it with anyone, like my Mum for example, cause the last few times this happened she was convinced I'd try to kill myself and wanted me to go to some old shrink, and that, I don't want. It's better that she worries about herself with all her medications and surgeries going on and all the energy she's got left after that she should be spending on worrying about last minute preparations for their trip to Greece.
Hehe, fancy that idea, every time Mum and Dad goes anywhere fun or does anything fun, they leave me and sis behind to cover work. Yay... so sick of it. I got my own life, like... so fucking sick of that place I don't want anything what so ever to do with it, like ever again. The moment I enter there I want out again. The only thing making it a bit worthwhile to stick around there is my co-worker Michael who's cynical and funny like fuck... ha, ha. No seriously... it's great to stand slaving at work when you know that the reason you're there is for everyone else to be free and do something fun.
The place in life for students, hehe.
Well, can't do without it either. Without work I'd be on the streets, even with as many student loans as I got... believe me, there's a reason why all students keep complaining about their economy.
Ruby just called, making me even more down. I don't know, but he tends to make me feel so down whenever he calls. It reminds me of everything, all the stuff I did that was crap and all the stuff I didn't do that was even worse. Reminds me of how bad I am as a person, which he isn't slow to tell me to my face, either. I need space. It's just, if he only could understand that the less I saw him, the happier those faces got, those memories we shared, the more sparkling they were. If I saw him every once in a while it'd be so much more fun.
Woke up this morning with tears streaming from my eyes. I don't know why. Maybe it was something I dreamt. Maybe it was just life.
Sunday, May 11
When Dreams Come True Twice
Allrightie, here follows the gig report from the weekend - the best experience I ever had in my life!
Originally submitted at The Forum
Brace yourselves, lengthy post ahead!
Let me just start out by saying, if I wasn't in love with the guys before these two gigs... I would so be by now. This was doubtlessly the best and most worthwhile experience I've had in my life. A whole weekend with POTF live!
I'm gonna take it from the beginning so that I don't miss out on anything.
Friday, May 9th
This is the day!
We gathered up on Friday at my house before hopping on a bus down to Gothenburg. Since we wanted to be down in good time before the gig we were in Gothenburg like, half past six, leaving hours of nervousness and anticipation to fill... We made sure we had a bite to eat and eventually wandered off towards Sticky in the lovely west coast weather
Outside the gig, the first thing we laid eyes on was the EA games tour bus!
The second thing that happened was that I got a call from Ebeeto - who as it turned out stood five feet away and was only mocking me!
Along with StenFan and his girlfriend, plus Ebeeto and one of his mates, the four of us who'd gone down were basically the only ones there. But as the evening went on, a more people gathered up, and as we hit the late hour for the venue, there was if not an impressive amount of people there, but at least there was a crowd ingenious enough to appreciate some good music. 
I spoke to two girls in the ladies' room who'd come from even further away than us to catch the gig, so there were more hardcore fans at this gig than it would be Saturday in Uddevalla (but I'm getting to that eventually
). On the whole I had a lovely time chatting with the forumers both beforehand and after the gig! Thanks guys 
Then finally the guys hit the stage and we hit front row, where we stayed all gig long
The opening song was Save Me, but after that I can't remember in what order the songs came, so I'm just gonna make a random list and anyone else who was there can help me fix it up! 
- Save Me
- Revolution Roulette
- Psychosis
- Passion Colors Everything
- Diamonds For Tears
- Lift
- Locking Up The Sun
- More
- Stay
- Carnival of Rust
- Illusion And Dream
- Late Goodbye
- Sorry Go Round
- The Ultimate Fling
As for their performance... phew... it blew me away. Everything I've heard about the band and how good they are live, proved to be more than true. I can hardly believe how swept away you got by the music! I understand everyone who starts listening to them after such a performance, as this.
I've been wanting to see the guys live for two years, and it was a dream come true, to say the least. I'm so, so, so happy that we went! 
A whole while of headbanging and sore throats later, we were all sad to see them go.
Ebeeto's mate laid hands on the drumsticks and StenFan's girlfriend got away with the somewhat less desirable sweaty towel 
The sweetest moment of this night was when we caught sight of Jaska and Jani mingling with the crowd after the gig, and went over to chat
It was like five minutes of me praising them
and answering questions about Uddevalla and GG
They were very nice and chatty and I managed to steal both a pic of the three of us and some additional hugs 
Right after this, we were supposed to be rushing off to catch our bus, and so we went outside, where we ran into Ollie and the other guys and again had a little chat. We told them that we were coming to the Uddevalla gig and that we'd enjoyed ourselves a lot that night, and so on
When Ollie said something about it being so nice and warm outside, my usual chatty self couldn't be stopped...
and I burst out with this comment:
"And here we are, talking about the weather..."
That caused a few laughs, haha! 
Then we caught the bus only just in time, and staggered into bed at around 3 AM (yes! no jokes involved!), but me and my best friend stayed up chatting about the gig until around 6 AM, when we finally dozed off in a state of dizzy happiness.
Saturday, May 10th
This is also the day!
Waking up a few hours later, my best friend went to her house to freshen up and I sat down to look through the gig pics (again). After I was done with that, my plan was to sit down and type up a gig report, but suddenly heard from StenFan who was coming in earlier than planned, and so I had to jump the shower. A few giggling hours passed as we had something to eat, something to drink, painted our fingernails (including the guys), prepped ourselves with the RR album and discussed the evening's plans.
Then StenFan insisted he needed a toothbrush, and the detour it took us shopping one, made us run into Captain and Ollie sightseeing outside this town's most popular pizza (hangover food) place!
Either they recognized us from the day before, or I was a little bit obvious in all my POTF gear
but anyway they waved at us and we went over to chat a little bit
It was like, what did they think about Uddevalla, and can you believe it, StenFan's never been here before either, and how have you been since last time
It was actually really good that we ran into them by accident, cause they told us when they'd start playing and we'd been wondering about that, so it was a little inside info, haha 
Then we moved on to a friend's house where we tried to convince some of the people that tonight's gig was going to be the big thing, and even managed to get them to listen to Lift, but the majority of them were depressingly uninterested, and so we hit the place for the venue at around 10.
It was lucky that we had spots on the guestlist, since there were zero people in line.
I was a bit disappointed there wasn't more people around, considering all the promotion this particular gig had gotten all around town, but we all figured the people would join in on us later. (And actually for a while there were pretty many people hanging around the gig, but somehow in an unexplainable way half of them mysteriously disappeared after about half the songs
) But to be perfectly honest, as the guys came on stage, it took me about five seconds to forget about the small crowd and just get sucked into the music, the energy, the laughter, the whole experience. 
Strangely we all agreed later that this gig was even better than the one on Friday, although none of us could understand how it was possible!
Marko was all over the fence of the stage, I hope he got its number before leaving, haha
No seriously, he was such a ray of energy that it was amazing, all the band gave it a 150 percent and you could really tell. It's funny, cause you can really feel how much fun they're having when they're on stage, it's like they're just playing around, and still it's so incredibly professional. How do they do it? It looks so easy and we all know it's not
I don't get it! I'm so impressed 
The playlist for this gig was basically the same as the Friday gig, although this time they played my personal favourite from RR, Miss Impossible! That made me so happy
Overall the mood for this gig was so intimate, so... personal, in a way, compared to the first gig. The one in Gothenburg was terrific cause with all those people, you could really feel the pressure of the people there along with the pressure of the music.
But this gig was also terrific, out of other reasons. I loved Marko's funny small talk (saying "All you fifty million people from Uddevalla" to the tiniest crowd and so on
) and Captain's little melodies that came after a joke, like a drumroll or something 
We also got the chance to meet Tiia who was doing her best to sell some POTF gear!
StenFan managed to flirt himself to a CoR T-shirt
and we got a bunch of stickers each, very goodlooking ones! I bought one of the POTF pins and later got three more all for free, which I couldn't help joking about later, since I already was wearing three identical pins stuck on my dress
One of them I gave away to a mate of mine who's been getting into POTF lately thanks to my humble self
and I felt like I wanted to encourage him to keep listening.
Psst, I stuck one of the stickers up downtown today, planning to sneak up some more where you least expect...
Thanks so much Tiia! It was so great to get to meet you all and thanks for everything we got and for coming here and for, for everything!
I could say a thousand more things about this wondrous experience
but I'm not going to bore you anymore! Just know that I had a really, really, really great time and now I know for sure this is my all time favourite band with the nicest people you could imagine.
Thanks POTF for coming down here and making my dream come true, twice!

PS. I took a few really nice pics! I'm gonna put them up as soon as they are looked through and chosen!
Originally submitted at The Forum
Brace yourselves, lengthy post ahead!
Let me just start out by saying, if I wasn't in love with the guys before these two gigs... I would so be by now. This was doubtlessly the best and most worthwhile experience I've had in my life. A whole weekend with POTF live!

I'm gonna take it from the beginning so that I don't miss out on anything.
Friday, May 9th
This is the day!
We gathered up on Friday at my house before hopping on a bus down to Gothenburg. Since we wanted to be down in good time before the gig we were in Gothenburg like, half past six, leaving hours of nervousness and anticipation to fill... We made sure we had a bite to eat and eventually wandered off towards Sticky in the lovely west coast weather

Outside the gig, the first thing we laid eyes on was the EA games tour bus!

I spoke to two girls in the ladies' room who'd come from even further away than us to catch the gig, so there were more hardcore fans at this gig than it would be Saturday in Uddevalla (but I'm getting to that eventually

Then finally the guys hit the stage and we hit front row, where we stayed all gig long

- Save Me
- Revolution Roulette
- Psychosis
- Passion Colors Everything
- Diamonds For Tears
- Lift
- Locking Up The Sun
- More
- Stay
- Carnival of Rust
- Illusion And Dream
- Late Goodbye
- Sorry Go Round
- The Ultimate Fling
As for their performance... phew... it blew me away. Everything I've heard about the band and how good they are live, proved to be more than true. I can hardly believe how swept away you got by the music! I understand everyone who starts listening to them after such a performance, as this.

A whole while of headbanging and sore throats later, we were all sad to see them go.

The sweetest moment of this night was when we caught sight of Jaska and Jani mingling with the crowd after the gig, and went over to chat

Right after this, we were supposed to be rushing off to catch our bus, and so we went outside, where we ran into Ollie and the other guys and again had a little chat. We told them that we were coming to the Uddevalla gig and that we'd enjoyed ourselves a lot that night, and so on

"And here we are, talking about the weather..."

Then we caught the bus only just in time, and staggered into bed at around 3 AM (yes! no jokes involved!), but me and my best friend stayed up chatting about the gig until around 6 AM, when we finally dozed off in a state of dizzy happiness.
Saturday, May 10th
This is also the day!
Waking up a few hours later, my best friend went to her house to freshen up and I sat down to look through the gig pics (again). After I was done with that, my plan was to sit down and type up a gig report, but suddenly heard from StenFan who was coming in earlier than planned, and so I had to jump the shower. A few giggling hours passed as we had something to eat, something to drink, painted our fingernails (including the guys), prepped ourselves with the RR album and discussed the evening's plans.

Then StenFan insisted he needed a toothbrush, and the detour it took us shopping one, made us run into Captain and Ollie sightseeing outside this town's most popular pizza (hangover food) place!

Then we moved on to a friend's house where we tried to convince some of the people that tonight's gig was going to be the big thing, and even managed to get them to listen to Lift, but the majority of them were depressingly uninterested, and so we hit the place for the venue at around 10.
It was lucky that we had spots on the guestlist, since there were zero people in line.

Strangely we all agreed later that this gig was even better than the one on Friday, although none of us could understand how it was possible!

The playlist for this gig was basically the same as the Friday gig, although this time they played my personal favourite from RR, Miss Impossible! That made me so happy

Overall the mood for this gig was so intimate, so... personal, in a way, compared to the first gig. The one in Gothenburg was terrific cause with all those people, you could really feel the pressure of the people there along with the pressure of the music.

We also got the chance to meet Tiia who was doing her best to sell some POTF gear!

Psst, I stuck one of the stickers up downtown today, planning to sneak up some more where you least expect...

Thanks so much Tiia! It was so great to get to meet you all and thanks for everything we got and for coming here and for, for everything!

I could say a thousand more things about this wondrous experience

Thanks POTF for coming down here and making my dream come true, twice!

PS. I took a few really nice pics! I'm gonna put them up as soon as they are looked through and chosen!
Thursday, May 8
Geez! I'm just so sick of my Mum right now...!
I love her and all that jazz but when will she ever let me be? I'm grown up enough to make my own mistakes, so I think I should be grown up enough to learn my own lessons from them as well. And the minute I think I got it figured, thinking I'm just gonna let it smoothen out, and live on, y'know, then she goes "But what's your plan? Is it gonna roll on like this forever?" And I go like, "Roll on like how forever?" And she ticks off, going well, should you really be afraid of who to see and who not to see, and isn't it going to be complicated, and shouldn't you do this and that, and shouldn't you talk to this person and that person and say this and that, and what's your plan? Fuck it, I don't have a fucking plan, or anything of the like. I just know that for now, I'm gonna live on, y'know, I'm not gonna worry about responsibility, or love, or a relationship, I'm just gonna, take it as it comes. And if there're any troubles on the way then fuck, I'll face them when they get to me, what's the problem?
Do I have to make a line-up for all possible events and situations that might sooner or later actually happen to me for real? Do I have to have a backup plan for everything? Geez, here we are, and we don't even fucking know if we're still gonna be alive tomorrow, and my Mum ticks off, talking about plans. The essence of plans! The importance of plans!
Why can't she just let me be? I know she just cares about me and wants what's best for me, but that doesn't automatically mean she is the one to decide what's best for me. Or the one to know. It's not like she's ever been in a situation like mine, so fuck it. What could she possibly know?
Mum says, "It's just that I'm worried bout you, one moment you're saying you got no friends left and the next moment you're saying everything's fine."
Uhmm, yeah. That's called life, it goes in waves. Sometimes you're depressed and think no one fucking cares, and sometimes things are fine. And then there are those times when your Mum asks you how things are and you tell her they're fine, cause you know that if you tell her they're not, she'll get worried, and you'd rather have her fine and dandy so that you can worry about your own problems.
I've been thinking bout this like a hundred times, about my upbringing. It's weird, right? I always been taught that you have to think of yourself first, cause you're the only who'll care about yourself, and you're the only one you can know for certain you're gonna be spending the rest of your life with. Fuck all that, I don't care, let me worry about my friends if I want to, c'mon. So maybe I do listen to them a bit too much, so maybe I do care too much if they don't wanna talk to me or hang out with me or nothing. But isn't that cause I fucking care? Because I fucking love them to damn much not to care.
I feel so lonely, lonely as fuck, like I'm in this invisible bubble where I can see everyone moving about outside but can't reach out to them, and no one reaches inside for me either. I know I got my very best friends covering my back, aye. But there's a difference between your friends, and your mates. Some friends stick with you, some don't. Some mates stick with you, some don't. And basically what's happened is that I've kept my friends but lost almost all my mates.
Fuck it, life sucks, and I'm not even being left alone to enjoy my misery.
It's so weird, one moment I wish people'd just leave me alone, you know, and the other moment I just wish they'd reach out to me. It's so bloody obvious that most people won't have anything to do with me and I'm totally cut off from everyone.
Except my friends. You know who you are. I love you so it hurts. <3
I love her and all that jazz but when will she ever let me be? I'm grown up enough to make my own mistakes, so I think I should be grown up enough to learn my own lessons from them as well. And the minute I think I got it figured, thinking I'm just gonna let it smoothen out, and live on, y'know, then she goes "But what's your plan? Is it gonna roll on like this forever?" And I go like, "Roll on like how forever?" And she ticks off, going well, should you really be afraid of who to see and who not to see, and isn't it going to be complicated, and shouldn't you do this and that, and shouldn't you talk to this person and that person and say this and that, and what's your plan? Fuck it, I don't have a fucking plan, or anything of the like. I just know that for now, I'm gonna live on, y'know, I'm not gonna worry about responsibility, or love, or a relationship, I'm just gonna, take it as it comes. And if there're any troubles on the way then fuck, I'll face them when they get to me, what's the problem?
Do I have to make a line-up for all possible events and situations that might sooner or later actually happen to me for real? Do I have to have a backup plan for everything? Geez, here we are, and we don't even fucking know if we're still gonna be alive tomorrow, and my Mum ticks off, talking about plans. The essence of plans! The importance of plans!
Why can't she just let me be? I know she just cares about me and wants what's best for me, but that doesn't automatically mean she is the one to decide what's best for me. Or the one to know. It's not like she's ever been in a situation like mine, so fuck it. What could she possibly know?
Mum says, "It's just that I'm worried bout you, one moment you're saying you got no friends left and the next moment you're saying everything's fine."
Uhmm, yeah. That's called life, it goes in waves. Sometimes you're depressed and think no one fucking cares, and sometimes things are fine. And then there are those times when your Mum asks you how things are and you tell her they're fine, cause you know that if you tell her they're not, she'll get worried, and you'd rather have her fine and dandy so that you can worry about your own problems.
I've been thinking bout this like a hundred times, about my upbringing. It's weird, right? I always been taught that you have to think of yourself first, cause you're the only who'll care about yourself, and you're the only one you can know for certain you're gonna be spending the rest of your life with. Fuck all that, I don't care, let me worry about my friends if I want to, c'mon. So maybe I do listen to them a bit too much, so maybe I do care too much if they don't wanna talk to me or hang out with me or nothing. But isn't that cause I fucking care? Because I fucking love them to damn much not to care.
I feel so lonely, lonely as fuck, like I'm in this invisible bubble where I can see everyone moving about outside but can't reach out to them, and no one reaches inside for me either. I know I got my very best friends covering my back, aye. But there's a difference between your friends, and your mates. Some friends stick with you, some don't. Some mates stick with you, some don't. And basically what's happened is that I've kept my friends but lost almost all my mates.
Fuck it, life sucks, and I'm not even being left alone to enjoy my misery.
It's so weird, one moment I wish people'd just leave me alone, you know, and the other moment I just wish they'd reach out to me. It's so bloody obvious that most people won't have anything to do with me and I'm totally cut off from everyone.
Except my friends. You know who you are. I love you so it hurts. <3
Tuesday, May 6
Damnit, I'm nervous, can't stop thinking about my upcoming tattoo appointment! It's yet another POTF-inspired one, saying "Absolution" (from song Locking Up The Sun) within a pattern of industrial cogs, look at the pic and tell me what you think of it! The text's gonna be in this bluey color, while the cogs are gonna be in black, you're simply just gonna have to imagine the rest, ha ha. I think it looks good, anyhows! (The nagging thought in the back of my head telling me I will never again after this be able to see my left wrist, I simply ignore, you only live once, right?)
I guess there's also something else I can't seem to stop thinking about - today it's Tuesday, my friends, only, let's count properly, two more days until I finally get to see my all time favourite band live. Twice! Two days in a row! Thanks to my street teaming work I've managed to get my name on the gig guestlists, but still isn't sure if I'm going to make use of it, since my friends will be standing in the queue outside, hehe.
Other than that, currently just leading on my lonely life, finding my way back to novelling, and completely ignoring school work, I just don't care, I'll deal with it eventually, when the deadlines are sneaking up on me. In the old days, you got more status the better grade you got, now you get status if you're the one who's managed to study the least and still managed to pass. Is that called sorting out your priorities? Yeah, it ought to be something like that.
I can enlighten you by saying it's perfectly possible to simply live on like some zombie trapped in a body that doesn't belong to you, and a mind that tries to overcome you. It's easy, just control your bunch o' cells and make them do what you want do and everything else, you shove away.
I guess there's also something else I can't seem to stop thinking about - today it's Tuesday, my friends, only, let's count properly, two more days until I finally get to see my all time favourite band live. Twice! Two days in a row! Thanks to my street teaming work I've managed to get my name on the gig guestlists, but still isn't sure if I'm going to make use of it, since my friends will be standing in the queue outside, hehe.
Other than that, currently just leading on my lonely life, finding my way back to novelling, and completely ignoring school work, I just don't care, I'll deal with it eventually, when the deadlines are sneaking up on me. In the old days, you got more status the better grade you got, now you get status if you're the one who's managed to study the least and still managed to pass. Is that called sorting out your priorities? Yeah, it ought to be something like that.
I can enlighten you by saying it's perfectly possible to simply live on like some zombie trapped in a body that doesn't belong to you, and a mind that tries to overcome you. It's easy, just control your bunch o' cells and make them do what you want do and everything else, you shove away.
Saturday, May 3
Coat Of Your Sins
Say you knew me just a little better
Wouldn't you want to know
Wouldn't you have shaken me up
Wouldn't you have
woken me up
Say you cared just a little better
Wouldn't you hold that tongue
Wouldn't you have listened a bit
Wouldn't you have
bitten your lip
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Say you were friends of me
just a little bit better
Would it be any different at all
You'd still be looking down on me
from your piedestal
Say you were close to me
just a little bit closer
And that you were known to me
just a little bit closure
Wouldn't you have whispered
that there's no truth in rumours
Wouldn't you whisper
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Sugar coat your virtue
Rise above the dirt like me
Satanize another's sins
And plead insanity
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Wouldn't you want to know
Wouldn't you have shaken me up
Wouldn't you have
woken me up
Say you cared just a little better
Wouldn't you hold that tongue
Wouldn't you have listened a bit
Wouldn't you have
bitten your lip
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Say you were friends of me
just a little bit better
Would it be any different at all
You'd still be looking down on me
from your piedestal
Say you were close to me
just a little bit closer
And that you were known to me
just a little bit closure
Wouldn't you have whispered
that there's no truth in rumours
Wouldn't you whisper
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Sugar coat your virtue
Rise above the dirt like me
Satanize another's sins
And plead insanity
Send me another song of your liking,
Invite me along to another place
It doesn't matter, you can't save my face
I'm the coat of your sins you couldn't erase
Thursday, May 1
Drilling Holes
Heavy heart
Blacken my day
Turn my laughing eyes
into fading grey
I'll do with you since I knew you
right from the start
I'll carry you on,
my heavy heart
Heavy mind
Burden my aches
Burn my laughing bets
and ash my stakes
I'll do with you since I knew your face
when I was blind
I'll carry you onward,
my heavy mind
Heavy soul
Border my boat
Sink my laughing sails
that kept me afloat
I'll do with you since I knew your name
drilling my holes
I'll carry you on,
my heavy soul
You should have touched me
You should have taught me
You should have fought me
But none of you do
Heavy heart and mind and soul,
that's why I'll have to do with you
Blacken my day
Turn my laughing eyes
into fading grey
I'll do with you since I knew you
right from the start
I'll carry you on,
my heavy heart
Heavy mind
Burden my aches
Burn my laughing bets
and ash my stakes
I'll do with you since I knew your face
when I was blind
I'll carry you onward,
my heavy mind
Heavy soul
Border my boat
Sink my laughing sails
that kept me afloat
I'll do with you since I knew your name
drilling my holes
I'll carry you on,
my heavy soul
You should have touched me
You should have taught me
You should have fought me
But none of you do
Heavy heart and mind and soul,
that's why I'll have to do with you
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