Monday, May 19

Famous And Lost

Finally got hold of them famous lost pieces of writing mentioned on Raven's site... so I thought I'd put them up. Strangely only one of them seems better than I remember. Can you guess which one?
Just came home from one of the last exams of the term, and it was a friggin' retake. Can you believe it? It was actually, in fact, word by word, exactly the same exam as last time I took it. Exactly! It was the exact same text to translate, and the essay topics were exactly the same. It'll be quite interesting to see how the grade changes - if it changes - when the circumstances were all the same as last time, except this time I knew I couldn't make a "too free" translation, and oh also that I took the entire exam with a fever and kept spreading my lovely cough to everyone in the exam hall. The translation part went better this time, I think... but the essay part sucked. Can't believe you gotta redo both parts if you only fail one. Crappy.
Anyway, 13 days left for final submission of giant essay, only 11 days left to the tattoo! I'm really excited about it, I'm starting to get over the "I'm so scared" kind of nervousness, and am now more looking forward to it... although I have to admit it aint gonna be no dance on any roses, ha, ha. Well, it'll be worthwhile pain. I'm not too worried.
Right. So enjoy these pieces from me the best you can. I will come again soon...


  1. Ohh hon, I didnt know you caught a cold! :/ Hope you'll get better real soon! :D Hope the exam turns out OK too. :) I had a retake too once, and it was also the exact thing! xD Teachers are lazy worldwide. :D :D Can't wait to see your tattoo! ;)

  2. Good luck on the retake! Also dont worry too much of the tatoo, it'll be fun, i'm sure.

  3. Haha indeed they are! How hard can it be to change the test, I mean even the slightest bit? Well well, maybe they figured we'd have a bigger chance to pass if it was the same test... taking retakes automatically makes you stupid *rolls eyes*

    I'm not too worried! More excited. Still gotta tell Mum though! =D


For Dust And Memories