Thursday, July 3

Currently Considering...

Right! So, my life's taking a quite unusual turn when I for the first time in my life have absolutely no idea what the closest future's gonna keep in hold for me. So far I've always had a plan to stick to, I've known what's gonna happen after the summer, and so on. This time I have no idea.
And I'm starting to think it's all for the better, you know? Maybe this was the break that I needed, the break that I've been wanting to have since I first started the university. And who knows, hopefully I won't go back there either. I'd like to finish my education and all, but if I can't have Arts as my second subject, it all just seems pointless. Meanwhile I'll try and find myself a job that I can land for the fall, so I won't have to take Pedagogics. (Is there any more boring class? I don't think so.)

Funny enough, everything being complete crap has weirdly made me in a very good mood. I've just had enough, I just laugh at everything that's happening right now. And it really does seem to be going my way in certain areas, ha, ha. No seriously, being on my own is starting to craft my old self, and I'm happy to find myself again. I've missed me, ha, ha.

Mum says I haven't been myself for the past two years. I hope she's right about the fact that I'm leaving that behind me now. We'll see what happens.

Hopefully if I land some sort of employment it'll be only a question of time before I can make some of those dreams come true...

(Or, I will just wait until I get extremely rich and famous due to my huge novelling success.)

From the Poet in the Jar,
Currently Considering Having A Beer


  1. hopefully things work out, I think they will, and hopefully with this break you can finish up that novel.


For Dust And Memories