Sunday, July 6

Oath of Scars and Holes

We tried to become brothers of blood,
but the distance kept us apart.
So we did something else that would matter still,
an oath that came straight from our hearts.
We swore on our connection, soul between soul,
to understand eachother's scars.
To listen whenever we fall in our holes,
trying to dig eachother's way out.
So instead of using our blood as a seal,
we took our imagination,
and made it real...

Wrote this, to begin with, just for fun while chatting with the Raven. We were toying with the idea of becoming so called brothers in blood, and seeing as we're quite far apart we had to make a sort of, adapted version. Thanks for the oath, Raven, it meant loads.
The Poet in the Jar


  1. No problem Bex, meant just as much to me, also the poem cleaned up good, great job.

  2. Well spontanity sometimes needs a fixup ;) It turned out rather decent though! Awww... deal <3

  3. so brotherhoody, and it was ment to, great job

  4. "so brotherhoody" :D
    What a nice word! =D


For Dust And Memories