Friday, July 11

Dreams, And Dreams, And Dreams, In Silver Silky Words

Just... so little left! You know that feeling? God, I dunno when was the last time I felt this inspired. I'm constantly thinking of it, all the time. One funny thing I might share with you guys is when I was chatting with The Raven late one night, I happened to accidentally mistype his name, and what came out was this really - I mean really - groovy character for the second novel in the series. I can already picture him inside my head and suddenly I just know a lot of the holes that were still present in the outline of the second book.
Funny how my fingers are just itching to get started on it when I still haven't finished the first one, haha.
Well, like I told Mum the other day (when I had forced her to show some interest in my writing for a change), I just know the last few scenes of the novel in my head, I just... I'm just so reluctant to get them out. I mean, I know where it's all going and I know what's gonna happen and ... well, to be honest, once I've written it down it can't be undone. So I'm sort of dragging my feet behind a little on this one. I know that all sucks and everything, it's just a matter of what phase I'm going through at the moment, and right now I need that doubting phase, where I'm just gathering impressions, old notes and feelings to get in the right mood to finally write that last part of it all down. I got the two last scenes already sketched out and basically written as drafts. It's the scenes before that that are the most difficult... they just have to come out somewhat alike what I have pictured in my head, and so, they need a bit of time.
Don't worry too much. If my head gathers any more of these scenes it's gonna explode. I'm thinking I'll get it out any time these days, just waiting for the moment when I just go ahead and do it without thinking. That's when it'll be the best.
Enough novel talk.
Sis got the keys to the new apartment today! Groovy. We're gonna check it out again tomorrow. Can't believe I've only been there one single time and just fell in love with the place right away. It's still gonna be nice to get back there and check it out again, cause I wanna see for myself once more what my room looked like. We'll have like, one room each where we'll do things just the way we want them, and then we'll share the living room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. And dining room. Yes, it is a flat of that size, it's actually just as big as Mum and Dad's house on the countryside. Can hardly believe it, my imagination is gonna flood so nicely around there. It'll be nice to have a fresh start, I'm really, really looking forward to it.
Fuck everyone who doesn't think it'll work out. Having a positive attitude was what made us get this apartment in the first place, and in either of our lives there just isn't any time to imagine worst case scenarios and put all of our energy in thinking of the bad things that might come with it. We gotta hold our heads high and march forward. Family. You stick to them. Lucky me to have been blessed with such a decent one, never mind I hate them from time to time, we all do. But they're still our blood and hearts.
And dreams, and dreams, and dreams, and talking about dreams in silver silky words, keep me going. Wow. So inspired!


  1. Awesome that you got that flat Becca!

    Also I know how it feels to kind of fear continuing and ruining a part that seems out of reach at the moment, almost too big for your pencil. But dont dwell on that, just trust that you'll do it justice, trust that it'll have to be done someday and you probably wont be any more prepared then than you are now. Just pick up the pencil grab a notebook and take some baby steps. Thats all it needs to start, baby steps.

  2. I just love the advice of baby steps <3 Makes me always think that it's possible! =)

    And yes. It IS amazing! Can't wait to love-hate living with family again! :D

  3. hahahaha yeah, babysteps is probly my best advice... but it doesn't apply to all things, there are some things that just cant be fixed by beginning

  4. thats true, thats why its some of my best advice :D

  5. Ok you are now officially my lonely island advisor as well! ;D


For Dust And Memories