Friday, November 28


So what, I'm fucked up.
I'm a wreck and a mess,
and I've ceased to care.
I don't go to work.
I skip it the way I used to skip school myself
(that last part was a joke
I meant the way I never used to skip school)
You ask me at times
What's wrong with me
And why can't I just be
And I don't know.
I aint got an answer
decent enough.
Would you point to my aches
if you could?
Would you try to define my pain?
Do whatever you've got time for cause
With someone not caring
All effort's in vain.


  1. ^^

    Interesting piece, you got there.!

    *thumbs up* :)

  2. Haha thanks :) It's basically just something personal. I don't find it to be extensively wellwritten but it's just how I'm feeling at the moment. :)

  3. Well, that can be figured ... :) But that's the beauty of it.. the simplicity flowing through these words have a strong effect in them, giving this piece a deep outlook (But that is the case with all your works, :P )

  4. Awwwww DP <3 That means a lot to me right now. Really. Thank you.


For Dust And Memories