Sunday, November 9

Songs Of You

About a million times I wanted to write you
Just shout out and have a go at screaming
Wondering if you understand what you did,
gave me a promised land we'd venture to,
and then destroyed all my dreaming
And a million and one times there were salt over you
Falling from my eyes though I tried not to
Remember that vow you made, that you'd never leave me
to find my way back home alone?
Well it was just what you did, and I think you prepared me
You gave me all those songs that I could listen to while grieving
They all were about you
And how I died, without you
Sometimes a sparkle can fade and I could understand if that was it
But you didn't have to pretend there never was a star
That there never were two shards of heart
You made a lie out of what was unusually true
You vented your vengeance on me, and I let you
I thought you knew me
You spoke of tomorrows
Revealed all your yesterdays
And there were no secrets
And then the last time, still so vivid
You sent me another song
Something you sang of a dying star
I still recall those lines
And then in your dark hours
when you most would have needed me
You became a secret
and you hid from yourself
and you hid from me
Forever now you're untold
A story that should have been
that you made sure will never be


  1. I ADORE THIS ONE! it acutally brought tears to my eyes, and thats not easy to do!! it's so powerful and beautifully written, i could sense your every emotion and almost feel the same tears running down my face. Definitly a masterpiece.. you caught my attention at the very first few lines. I hope all works out for you, sis. And never forget that if you need someone to talk to or just someoen to listen, I am always here for you. (L)

  2. :o

    This must be one of your very best, girl! *marks as one of the favorites of the favorites* I LOVE it. <3333

  3. Ahahha Al I love that list ^^
    Chels that is depressingly awesome, I always find it so weird when anyone responds this way to what I write, it leaves a mark on me that it made you feel so strongly about it. And I know you're here sis. ;)
    DP THANKS. Groovy comment xD

  4. I love this one so much :)
    There's so much passion , and truth.
    its amazing . :)


For Dust And Memories