Wednesday, November 18

Nocturnal World

We are the sleepless ones.
Those who stay awake until late at night only because we fear tomorrow.
Because we believe there are things we are missing while we sleep.

We are the insomniacs.
Those who wake up in the early mornings during the wolf hours, unable to fall back into slumber. For hours we agonize and torture ourselves, finally drowsing off back into a shallow state of anxious dreaming.
We are the restless ones.
Seeking eachother’s outcast words of sorrow and comfort to get us through the night.
Seeking eachother’s lonely company to get us through the day.

We are the dreamers.
Always longing for another place.
We dream the most while wide awake.

We are the sleepless.
The insomniacs.
The restless.
And the dreamers.
You’re welcome to get lost
in our Nocturnal World.
And you're welcome to despise us.
But we're the ones who will change the world.


  1. "But we're the ones who will change the world."

    Are we really? xD

    "You’re welcome to get lost"

    HAHA Just this line alone made me laugh! xD

    Overall, nice poem! It makes a statement! ;)

  2. Thanks =) Yeah, I think it does too. :)

  3. "We dream the most while wide awake."

    happens. even though I don´t fit into "we" in this one, cause I have no problem with sleeping. and I defenitely won´t change anything. powerful piece which really yells it out loud.

  4. Thanks. Well it was mostly a piece referring to myself anyway ;)


For Dust And Memories