Tuesday, July 26


You can't break glass with silence, trust me, I've tried
And you can't put out fires with tear drops
You can only gather them in vials
For when they should stop
You can fling them open again
When you've run dry
Automated eyes
Automated life

What am I to do with these faint images
They are bleaker every second
What did you leave them for
Maybe you believed they were dead
I could keep an eye on them
but they are only dying slowly
You didn't make me a gravedigger,
You made me a reluctant warden
And I'll never be awarded

You can't chase shadows in the night, trust me, I've tried
And you can't drown sorrow on desert plains
You can only carry it inside
Carry the pain
You can release it again
When it can fly
Automated wings

The conditions you left me with are unfair and desperate
You never spared a thought for what would come
Once you had secured your own escape
You weren't even brave enough to face me
You didn't have what it would take to stay

Forgive me if I won't guard your institution
Your well preserved memories
I scattered my copies
Left it to them to survive
You stopped yours in flight
Then imprisoned them
And turned your back on them in denial

I can't bear to be your warden
I can't bear to see the memories die
You weren't the only one who created them
The other creator's hand was mine
I'll spread them with the others in the memorial grove
Spread them with the others across the sea
They were meant to fly over it, one day, with me
But they never got to see the day
So I'll set them in flight before they die
Maybe that can keep damnation at bay

You can't break glass with silence, trust me, I've tried
And silence is all that is left after us, after we died
Maybe it was for the better, after all,
no more glass will break
And there'll be no more lies


  1. "You never spared a thought for what would come
    Once you had secured your own escape
    You weren't even brave enough to face me
    You didn't have what it would take to stay"

    someone could be saying those exact lines and I'd have to just agree to everything.

  2. *saying those exact lines to me


  3. You can't break glass with silence. Pure epic awesomeness right there. :) I loved it, it definitely has some strength to it. Well done *applauds*

  4. Thank you so much, that's a huge compliment. Applause is accepted and appreciated!


For Dust And Memories