Monday, December 22

So Long!

I just figured out, that if I can fit each and every one of my here published poems onto a sheet of size A4 paper, and then place all the poems in one long row, it would measure up to exactly 35,973 meters. That is almost half the width of a football field and my own length times approximately 21. Then I haven't counted every poem I wrote before I started publishing them here, OR any of the lyrics, which amount to 51 songs, OR the pieces of small poetry, which amount to a number of 8. If these were also to be included, we would be looking at a row measuring at least 53,513 meters, which is my own length times 31, or 6,295 average sized canoes for adult use.
Nighty, says the Mathematics Discoverer
POET in the JAR


  1. HAHAHAHHA that actually made me laugh a lot! It's so awesome and random!! :D sounds like something I would do in my spare time :P
    p.s- That's A LOT or writing :D

  2. Ahahaha, you got bored THAT much, huh? xD But seriously, WOW.. That's a lot of words. :D

  3. Ahahaha I KNOW! I just started thinking about it at like 3.12 AM, that's when craziness like this appears xD

    you know your bored WHEN... :P

    :) you sound like Chels counting to dots on the ceiling tiles :P

  5. Hahahah yeah, boredom drives you crazy :D


For Dust And Memories