Saturday, December 6


Sugarcoat the past.
We do it every day.
I do it, remembering what things used to be like. I remember all the good things that have been lost by now... the innocence we were all robbed of, some of us too early, earlier than what was intended.
And in the sugar, in the sweetness, in the sepia colors, we lose all of the darkness, what yearns to come to surface and battle us in the present second. We drown our misery in joy, and leave it out as we remember, imagining our days were all glory days, and that we shone together.
I was lonely all awhile, and I never cease to repress it.
POET in the Sugarcoated JAR


  1. i can understand this, my life is reversed though.. things before.. a horrid appetizer.. led to a wonderful main course.

    But you aren't alone Bekki, you have Allie and you have your Newfies :P

  2. Yes. But you never saw the main course coming no matter how many times others would tell you it was going to appear... So forgive me if I don't believe you, even if I love you both :/ <333

  3. i Know Bex.. i know.. you'll have your main course, i just hope it happens soon


For Dust And Memories