Monday, December 8

Not Breathing

I woke up this morning and I couldn't breathe.
I need to vent. I need to do something. I need to do anything. Things come crashing down on me more than they've ever done before, and it feels like I've hit the limit. Like this is rock bottom.
Everyone keep telling me it'll all be better... everyone except my Mum. She says that I'm depressed and that I can't fix it by myself, that I need help to do it. She agreed to follow me to see a doctor or a psychologist or anyone really, soon. I'm really glad that I have her but there's this problem along with it.
I feel like I've taken her away from my sis.
My sis never gets any encouraging words. She is like the black sheep in my mother's eyes and always gets to hear mean things. My Mum doesn't understand her. I have such a bad conscious for this since she understands me more than anyone and I can't understand why she can't do it for my sister as well. My sis is the kind of person to talk a lot but she doesn't really talk to my Mum about things because she doesn't think she'll understand anyway. I tell my Mum maybe too much sometimes. I just feel that it's good that someone close to you knows everything you go through. I don't wanna feel like I felt awful for a long time and no one saw me. My Mum sees me and keeps helping me out and saying things that make it all feel easier. Like today she said she wouldn't make it if it weren't for me. That made it bit easier. Cause so many times I just wanna sink right through this floor and disappear, and it's always good to actually hear it spelled out in words that someone would miss you if you did.
I feel really bad about me and my sis right now. We were fine just weeks ago and now it's like we're both different people. We don't really talk anymore. The times that we do talk we just get mad at eachother and say mean things. I don't wanna say stuff like that to her because I don't really mean them. It's just in the heat of the moment and lacking to talk for real that makes me say it. I know I made my sis so sad today and I feel horrible for it. I know that maybe right now she really needs someone to be supportive for her but it's like... I can't do it right now you know? I can barely look after myself and even though she doesn't need looking after it's like... I wish I at least had some more energy to spare on her. That I had something more to give.
As it is now I'm just tired, all the time, and frustrated. Frustration really kills me, day by day. There are so many other things that I can't stop worrying about and I think maybe that's why I take it out on her, even if I don't mean to.
And I feel like I spend so much time thinking about this while I can't imagine that she does even if she did, you know (if that made any sense).
It's like... I'm looking at myself from the outside and I don't recognize who I'm seeing. That person isn't me. I'm not usually like this. I can look at myself and just know that all my problems start inside of me, that they're all in my head, and I'm blowing them up to huge proportions. It feels like, if I'm able to know this, if I know it's all my own making, I should be able to fix it, but I can't. It really makes me feel worthless that I can't fix this for once. Fix it, fix me, like I used to be able to do.
Mum says this is a dead certain sign of depression and that it's why I need some help. I think that I could use some too, but in one way I go completely anti her. She suggested to me that I take some pills that like, add to your diet with vitamins and stuff, and I really don't want to. I think that might be because I remember what it was like last time I went on any kind of pill. I remember it made me even more different, and even more depressed. It made everything, literally, hell. Even if this is just some nutritient maybe my mind just subconsciously pushes the thought away, pushes the idea away.
I love living here but right now it feels like I might as well sleep on the sidewalk. This is an empty house these days. An empty home. I can have friends over much as I want but it's so empty here without my sis. I can't explain it. I can't say why I'm mad at her all the time. It's like... she's trying to make me understand but I can't soak it up.
I can't just accept it or even try.
It makes me feel like I'm cut in half... like I'm just in the way. I'm no good sister.
I can't help it. I know that I'm being selfish. I keep thinking that my sis is the selfish one if she is so busy creating another life out of here all of a sudden, creating some kind of life where I'm not included. Maybe I'm the selfish one, for even having the thought that she should be here with me instead, to see how I'm feeling, to cheer me up. To do anything.
I just feel so lonely, so fucking lonely, and everything about my situation and about some things that I should keep away from here is just getting to me and I really fucking hate it, I really, really hate it...
I'm just so invisible and no one sees me...
Yes, She Is Aware That She's Being Pathetic,
And She Knows All You Guys Thinks She Isn't Invisible,
Or A Good-For-Nothing,
But What Do You Do When You Can't Shake The Thought?



  1. wow. Bex, I hope all gets better soon.. you are awful lucky to have a mom that you can tell everything to and lay your trust on. And I think that it's kind of ironic that you think your taking your mom away from your sis.. becuase you say your mom really understands you, but can't really understand her. Isn't that opposite of what things usually seem to be? You usually say people understand your sis but not you. Bex, I honestly don't know what to tell you about this. I know I can just say what I always do.. that talking it out will help and that I am always here for you.. but you already know all this, And i know there is nothing worse when someone tells you something you already know. Maybe seeing a doctor would be beneficial? Maybe you and your sis are just going through a hard spot? I'm sorry I haven't got much to say to you today, sis. But I am always here for you, you know that.. I hope you feel okay, if you ever need to talk I am here, and it's only 2 more years until we can talk in person. Good luck! xoxo! :)

  2. If that post is you without much to say, I wonder how your having-much-to-say-days are ;) And I don't care if I've heard it before. It helps just that you take time to read about what I vent, and taking the time to reply. It means so much. Yeah... I know, it is all a bit ironic. In the old days Mum and my sis used to be the ones who were really tight and I never told my Mum anything. I would tell my sis to keep a secret from her and so on. But nowadays it's like the tables have been reversed.

    I don't know... in a way me and my Mum both really get my sis, because we know more about how she thinks about things and why she does things than she does herself. In the end our guesses always turn out right even if she has lied about it until then. But at the same time I guess none of us really UNDERSTANDS her as in WHY she thinks those ways. Mum usually say that both of us have our flaws, they are just different in character.

    Yeah. I hope so. I'm not too fond of taking pills. I would much prefer to go to someone and spill it all out and just be told that this is normal, that this is okay, that it's okay to be like this.

    I keep thinking about the time my sis told me she thought I enjoyed to be depressed... I can't shake the thought :/

    yes only 2 more years! :D thanks chels <3

    xoxo? :D

  3. (x = kiss o = hug.. only when put together like that :P)

    Man Bex.. thats some heavy stuff.. I know how you feel about pills.. i never want to take them if i need them either.. they just kind of scare me.. like: "what can this do to me".. i just hope a doctor is a good remedy.. somebody who can listen and who officially knows what he's talking about.. maybe thats what you need.

    i KNOW you dont enjoy being depressed.. and everyone says stupid things, sisters and brothers especially, dont linger cuz that thought is the kind to kill ya. How it feeds on you, coming back to memory and tearing you to shreds.

    There are always reasons for things, they jsut may be hard to see.. and most times the reason is more important than the result. You may know what your sister will do but knowing why is the important and trickier aspect of the Full truth.

    Its awesome that you and your mom can talk about these things.. my mom wouldn't be able to stand talk like that, she wouldn't even try to understand. Its nice to know you can share these things with somebody in person.

    Bekki.. there'll always be times when you and your sister will fight.. its inevitable.. and could be for stupid or serious reasons, could last a day or a month.. but it'll heal. This seems like it may take a little bit of time but it'll heal. And i know it sounds strange but the squabbling could be part of the time of year.. lotsa people cant stand much around Christmastime.. i get an little antsy and my sister gets a little snappy.. and everything gets on our nerves.. may be a bit like that on your part.

    And like Chels said, Two more years and you'll be able to talk to us in person. Until then tell me anything you want, i'm here to listen, i always have been. Take care sis.

  4. hahaha yeahh, I tend to talk alot:P also with your sister saying those things to you, as you siad you sometimes say things to her but don't really mean them.. maybe this could have been one of those incidents.
    And sis, you should know that I always have time to read what you write and reply, venting is good, and I'm always here to listen/read:P

    wow, I wish I could have had your view on pills

  5. Haha Chels why's that?
    Thanks both of you for your long replies. Yeah. Maybe it's christmas time I don't know. It just stings when she ditches us who've hung around for all her 25 years in order to spend Christmas with a guy she has dated for 3 weeks. I don't get her, it makes me angry even if I don't want to be. And maybe it's just me overreacting as usual...

  6. I don't think you are overacting.. no, I can see why you would be upset, for sure. :/
    and I say that comment about the pills becuase in the times when I first moved, my moms pills seemed to be my only comfort.

  7. Yeah... I just hate the fact that pills should affect us in any way... I don't want to be addicted to pills, it makes me feel like something is tearing at my body, something that shouldn't be there you know? It has to do with when I was on birth control pills which you know all about.


For Dust And Memories