Tuesday, February 24


Follow the red light
Everywhere else is white
Everywhere else is blank
Set your only focus right
Follow the red light

Hands on the steering wheel
Slanting just a little
Slipping just a bit
Right hand on the right hand seat
Step on the gas
Keep the brakes ready

Follow the red light
Everywhere else is white
Everywhere else is blank
Set your only focus right
Follow the red light

Stop signs and roadblocks
Anything to make me detour
makes me real
As long as there's asphalt
Gas in the tank and another road
I'll push you away, thought
I'm not ready for you

Strange, now

I haven't been myself for a long time
Hiding away from everything
That was me
Then a tear in an open book
One not so very special day

Waking up, now
Or am I really falling asleep?
I don't know this clarity
as part of me.
Everywhere else is blank

Follow the red light
Maybe you just saw a glimpse of yourself
Of who you used to be

before it goes away


  1. This is really good! :o Great job, hon. <3 =)

  2. Really interesting piece, But i'm not really sure whats the meaning behind this (silly stupid me)

    Sorry for being as lame as I am... :|

  3. You're not lame :D This is quite a qualified question, since it started out as something rather trivial, a poem about following the rear lights of the car in front, to stay on track through the mist. But then suddenly it turned into something far more personal. Like knowing that you have told yourself you're fine for a long time and then suddenly waking up to know that you really aren't and that you never were. That everything was just a cover.

    And still this clarity is better than fooling yourself.

    I hope this answers your question =)

  4. very much, thank you... i worship you even more now :D

  5. Hahahhhaha! Please don't, I am no god :P


For Dust And Memories