Friday, February 6

Fleeting Thought

I had some deep thought I was going to scrounge up for you guys before going to sleep, but fleeting and deep as these thoughts most usually tend to be, it has fallen out of my mind. So no worries! The deep and the most incredibly philosophical is for some other day, when I'm not as worn.

I've got some good news, or what to call it. The landlord at work has finally resigned himself to the new contract and so my folks can keep the firm and their jobs for at least three more years. This makes it finally possible for our folks to sign with the oil and gas company and in the long run, they'll get a better deal and the business will run better.

Nothing more for now...
POET in the JAR


  1. I will be looking forward to when that fleeting thought returns! :D
    And that is GREAT about your folks! I'm so happy that you've got a bit of good news coming your way :D

  2. there´s never too much good news! :D

  3. Yeah hahaha, everything seems funny right now, even the most fucked up things xD


For Dust And Memories