Sunday, May 13

Silly Me, Silly Trick

Firefly, oh, Firefly. As beautiful as the fallen sky. As always I'm breathless.

We went out to celebrate Jessi's 20th birthday yesterday. It was the summer premiere of Trägår'n, and you wouldn't believe me if I told you how many people were there. It took us 50 minutes standing in line just to get in, and another 20 minutes to get in the ladies' room. I hate those kind of lines. If you weren't sober when you got there, you soon became sober of all the heat, the mass of people, lack of oxygen, and drunk, unpleasant people dropping their stinking cigarettes on your jacket.
Half the time I had so much fun, the other half I was drunk and absent. When I fell asleep in the couch with Jessi and Danne, one of the guards came along and asked me, "How are you feeling?", looking at me suspiciously. And I gave him the most beaming smile I could forge, and said, "Oh, I'm just a little sleepy, that's all." "Okay," said the guard and headed off. I can't believe they didn't throw me out, which they probably would have, if I wasn't a girl.
I think I got tricked at one point, when I went over to the DJ boot to request a song. There were two guys standing there, the DJ and someone he seemed to be talking to. So I asked the guy next to the DJ, "Can you request songs tonight?" He looked at me with a smile and said, "Of course you can! ...If you give me a kiss on the cheek!" And stupid as I was, I did so, and then requested my song. When I checked back later, he was mysteriously gone, and the DJ had no idea what song I had requested. Silly me. Silly trick!
The only thing bad about yesterday I guess, is that the birthday child wasn't half as drunk as I was! Shame on me... Should have bought her more drinks!
Poet in the Jar

1 comment:

  1. Hihi som det brukar med andra ord ;)
    Nejdå skoja bara. Hoppas allt e bra. Du får hojta till om du blir ledig någen gång så vi kan hita på nåt. KRAM


For Dust And Memories